In recent years these precepts have been seriously undermined as one president after another has dispatched military forces to participate in armed conflicts or to create them without declaring war. But this trend has greatly accelerated with Trumps selection of a large number of former Generals for positions at the heights of the U.S. state. He has, for example, selected …
Paul R. Pillar – Why Gen. Mattis Is No Gen. Marshall
Useful perspective on issues surrounding the nomination of the retired Marine Corps general James Mattis to be Secretary of Defense, including the issue of civilian control of the military, can come from reflecting on the career of the one other general ever to be U.S. Defense Secretary. Whether the appointment of Mattis turns out to be good or bad will …
A Just Cause – Shining A Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Emanuel Cleaver – 11.27.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, who is serving his sixth term representing Missouri’s Fifth Congressional District, the home district of President Harry Truman. He is a member of the exclusive House Financial Services Committee, the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Housing and Insurance, and also a Senior Whip of the Democratic Caucus.