Triggered by the Las Vegas massacre David addresses the need for gun control (not gun abolition) in the United States, which should annoy US conservatives. And he sides with Betsy DeVos over the problems with Title IX investigations into sexual assault, which have led to several successful lawsuits by men expelled from universities without receiving anything close to due process, …
Alex Kotch – Inside Charles Koch’s Plot to Hijack Universities Across America and Spread His Radical ‘Free-Market’ Propaganda
The public is starting to catch up with the reality that Charles Koch is not only a major spender on building his own ideological institutions. Over the past decade, Koch has funded colleges and universities to bend them in his direction, often funding “free-market” academic centers. Mostly through his personal foundation, Koch gave $108 million [3] to 366 colleges and universities from 2005 …
How to Keep Ticks off of You, and Get Rid of Them if Needed
I used to live in the middle of nowhere, and my neighbors and I were constantly picking ticks off of our pets. When you think about ticks, you associate them with living in the woods. But these Lyme-disease carriers are everywhere. Whether you’re hiking through the wilderness or yanking weeds out of your backyard garden, there could be a tick …
David Sirota – Prosecution of White Collar Crime Hits 20-Year Low
Just a few years after the financial crisis, a new report tells an important story: Federal prosecution of white-collar crime has hit a 20-year low. The analysis by Syracuse University shows a more than 36 percent decline in such prosecutions since the middle of the Clinton administration, when the decline began. Landing amid calls from Democratic presidential candidates for more …