Donald Trump Isn’t the Exception – He’s the Republican Prototype. – PIERRE TRISTAM

Republicans are panicking that Donald Trump is ruining their good name while Democratic atheists are praying to god that Trump somehow manages to stay in the race through many a debate. They think this ex-Democrat and Republican apprentice who made “branding” the tackiest marketing trick on earth is their best hope to keep trashing the GOP’s brand without spending a …

Dick Cheney Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes: Former International Court of Justice Judge – Sarah Lazare

A former judge for the International Court of Justice and renowned expert on human rights law told a reporter this week that former vice president Dick Cheney should be prosecuted for war crimes and torture. Eighty-one-year-old Thomas Buergenthal told Newsweek journalist Robert Chalmers that “some of us have long thought that Cheney, and a number of CIA agents who did what they did in …

America’s Endless Air Wars By Nicolas J S Davies

U.S. Central Command’s latest figures on its aerial bombardment of Iraq and Syria reveal that this is the heaviest U.S. bombing campaign since President George W. Bush’s “Shock and Awe” campaign against Iraq in 2003. In the campaign’s first ten months from August 2014 to May 2015, the U.S. and its allies conducted 15,245 air strikes, or an average of 51 air strikes …

U.S. Dollar Substitute to Go Public on Oct 20th? BY KELLY BROWN

THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND IS ONE OF THE MOST SECRETIVE AND POWERFUL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE WORLD. They monitor the financial health of more than 185 countries… they establish global money rules… and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations. And on Oct 20th of this year, the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which …

Have Millions of Deaths from America’s ‘War on Terror’ Been Concealed? by JACK BALKWILL

How many days has it been Since I was born? How many days ‘Til I die? Do I know any ways I can make you laugh? Or do I only know how To make you cry? ― Leon Russell, Stranger in a Strange Land The mass media in the US have covered up the most important fact in America’s ongoing …

Honduras Bleeding by ERIC DRAITSER and RAMIRO S. FUNEZ

June 28 marked the six year anniversary of the military coup in Honduras – the day that a democratically elected left wing government was ousted by a US-backed, US-trained cabal of generals and right wing politicians and landowners. It could correctly be called a “Quiet Coup” primarily because it took place with very little fanfare from the corporate media which, to …

Supreme Court rejects EPA’s regulation of power plants’ emissions of mercury and other toxins by Meteor Blades

The U.S. Supreme Court plunked a setback into the lap of the Environmental Protection Agency Monday by trashing the agency’s regulation of emissions of mercury and other air toxins (MATS) from electricity-generating plants. The court overturned a lower-court decision in the case of Michigan v. EPA stating that the agency had acted reasonably when it chose not to consider compliance costs first in its …

Latin American Revolutions Under Attack by ANDRE VLTCHEK

Do not take the Latin American revolutions for granted. They inspired the entire Planet. They brought hope to every corner of our scarred Earth. But now they are themselves in need of our support. If left alone, they would thrive for decades and centuries. But the Empire is once again on the offensive. It is shaking with fury. It is …

The Bush Family Goes for Number Three (With the Help of Its Bankers) By Nomi Prins

[This piece has been adapted and updated by Nomi Prins from her book All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power, recently out in paperback (Nation Books).]  It’s happening. As expected, dynastic politics is prevailing in campaign 2016. After a tease about as long as Hillary’s, Jeb Bush (aka Jeb!) officially announced his presidential bid last week. Ultimately, the two of …

How Obama Consolidated the Legacies of Bush and Clinton by JASON HIRTHLER

As the presidency of Barack Obama has evolved, or devolved, as it were, it’s become clearer to everyone that he is little more than an imperial caretaker committed to expanding the American empire. Those who expected a circumspect constitutional law professor to build a Hadrian’s Wall on the Iraqi border and declare the republic overextended, have been sorely disappointed. Instead, …