Today on Moving Forward we will be discussing the politics surrounding the National Football League with our guest Eric Draitser. Eric Draitser is an independent political analyst, editor of, and host of Counterpunch Radio. His work focuses primarily on politics, geopolitics, and the role of imperialism in the modern world. Draitser’s articles have appeared in many publications both in …
Meditations and Molotovs – 07.17.17
On today’s program, Vince plays Part 3 of Adam Curtis’ documentary series, “The Trap.” The final program of Curtis’ 2007 series focuses on the concepts of positive and negative liberty introduced in the 1950s by Isaiah Berlin. Curtis briefly explains how negative liberty could be defined as freedom from coercion and positive liberty as the opportunity to strive to fulfill …
The Intelligence Hour with Kevin Shipp – 05.22.17
On this edition of The Intelligence Hour, Kevin Shipp interviews Martin Kaiser, author of two books, Odyssey of an Eavesdropper and Help Yourself, a Story of FBI Corruption. Martin Kaiser is a foremost expert in government “bugging” or eavesdropping and developed many of these devices for the FBI and CIA. He was the technical advisor for the movie Enemy of …
The Intelligence Hour With Kevin Shipp Tonight 6:00 PM EST
On this edition of The Intelligence Hour, Kevin Shipp interviews Martin Kaiser, author of two books, Odyssey of an Eavesdropper and Help Yourself, a Story of FBI Corruption. Martin Kaiser is a foremost expert in government “bugging” or eavesdropping and developed many of these devices for the FBI and CIA. He was the technical advisor for the movie Enemy of …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 04.11.17
The syrian crisis
Trends This Week – Big War Bucks in Trump’s Budget – 03.22.17
The military-first mindset that has prevailed since George W. Bush launched the War on Terror in 2001, grows under Trump. In building America’s military budget, which despite it being as large as the next seven largest military budgets around the world combined, Trump will face minimal domestic opposition. We also estimate more defense dollars funneling into Homeland Security and intelligence agencies, particularly for both domestic and foreign deep state surveillance and cyber security.
Meditations and Molotovs – 03.20.17
Bush, Blair and Co. are primarily responsible for the war in Iraq and the horrors that followed, however liberals, Democrats, and particularly the corporate news media (the same folks who gave the world President Trump) share a large portion of responsibility as well. They created the atmosphere necessary for the faux “War on Terror” (can’t wage war on a tactic), which is simply the latest justification for U.S. hegemony and imperialism. Today, let’s talk about history and why it still and always matters.
NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.15.17
The Conspiracy Guy #16: A series of developments in relation to the Middle East raise concerns that the neocons are firmly in control of the Trump foreign policy agenda, including saving two ISIS leaders traded in Mosul, a 432% increase in drone strikes, and the Pentagon’s absurd declaration that Iran is “the greatest security threat in the Middle East” and warning signs that Donald’s promise to end these foreign entanglements may not be the case. The ongoing Wikileaks revelations make the case for CIA surveillance of Trump and faking “Russian hacking” overwhelming, where even leading Democrats connected to the Senate Intelligence Committee admit they have no expectation of evidence that ties the Trump campaign to Russian interference. Even Noam Chomsky tweets, “World is Laughing at claims Russia Hacked Election”. IWB (Investors Watch Blog) has published some 50 “fake news” stories on CNN alone, which confirms Wikileaks information about the mainstream media under the control of the CIA. The knowledge that the CIA can seize control of your vehicle and thereby commit a vehicular assassination sheds light on the death of Michael Hastings, who appears to have been among the first of its targets. Trump continues to shake up Washington, as a recent TIME magazine cover reflects.
Project Censored – 02.28.17
The program opens  with an update on the general strike of February 17, with organizer Michelle Rodino-Colocino (the program was recorded that day). A summary of recent underreported stories follows, then Caitlin Remmel speaks  about Brand New Congress, a campaign intended to field  citizen-responsive candidates in every House district in 2018.  Next, the legendary organizer Charlotte Hill O’Neill (“Mama C”) …
Project Censored – 02.21.17
The program opens with an update on the general strike of February 17, with organizer Michelle Rodino-Colocino