Progressive Radio Network


Personal Computer Show Wednesday, April 18th 2018 Broadcast on the INTERNET 6:00 PM ET  In The News 1. Facebook Tracks You, Even When You're Not on…
Descriptions for FRIDAY DEC, 22- EXPAT FILES SHOW #720, 12-22-2017 1-Advice for expat gonnabees and wannabees formulating their Plan B’s- some predictions that will affect…
#1- Gringos and car repairs: Today we have yet another “boots on the ground” story you really must pay attention to. Why? To be able…
#1- A Latin American “Cost of Living” update. Today we discuss the various types of Latin tiendas, stores and markets (mercados) and where you can…
#1- Driving a vehicle through Latin American country borders: Ten tips and cautions to observe (and contemplate) before trying such a  fearless stunt. #2- In…
#1- Latin driving tips: What to watch out for and what NOT to do- or, how to kill a nice new vehicle in three easy…