Terry Lynch is an Irish GP who became a psychotherapist and now devotes himself to helping people through his practice, his books, and his courses for professionals and the public. On the air on my radio show today, I listened to him amazed at how similarly we see the human struggle and how to help people with it. He puts important ideas …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.02.17
The dangerous, decrepit, about-to-explode DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT is dissected by DR. JERRY BROWN of the WORLD BUSINESS ACADEMY in Santa Barbara.
Heart of Mind Radio – 01.27.17
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis looks into the metaphysical principle of Compassion. It is more than we think.
“Compassion opens the portal of truth and dissolves barriers of perceptual limitation and separation into the realization of god manifestation in unity, as transcendent, as love, as life”
Join the conversation at:
Kathryn’s New Blog for dialog and conversation.
Energy Stew – Alexander Dunlop – 12.02.16
My guest is Alexander Dunlop, a card expert, who has been on the show many times and will help you understand your own cards and also even the cards of a significant other in your life. It’s amazing how many problems this can solve.
Pace of climate change too hot for crops
Climate change is happening faster than many species can adapt to − and climate is changing between 3,000 and 20,000 times faster than many grassland species can respond. Since the grass family includes wheat, corn, rice, sorghum, oats, rye, barley and many other plants that underwrite human survival, this is serious news. Although the new research by scientists in the …
Michael Roberts – The Age Of Political Stupid
As humankind progression goes we’re in an incredible technological age. As an evolved species about 200,000 years on a planet as old as 4.5 billion years, we’ve boldly gone into space, killed off diseases that hitherto wreaked havoc on the earth and, hopefully, we’ve learned from the carnage of the past and now have less and less an appetite for …
Anis Shivani – Our Awful Elites Gutted America. Now They Dare Ring Alarms About Trump, Sanders—And Cast Themselves as Saviors
This week, on the night of the Indiana primary, I read one of the most loathsome political screeds it has been my misfortune to encounter. It was an alarm bell raised by Andrew Sullivan, arguably the greatest hypocrite of the Bush era, on par with his partner in many crimes Christopher Hitchens (remember “Islamofascism?”). Sullivan proclaims that the election of Trump would …
Friendships Better Than Morphine
Friends ‘better than morphine’ – Larger social networks release more pain-killing endorphin, University of Oxford reports People with more friends have higher pain tolerance, Oxford University researchers have found. Katerina Johnson, a doctoral student in the University’s Department of Experimental Psychology, was studying whether differences in our neurobiology may help explain why some of us have larger social networks than others. …
By the end of my first year as a doctor, I was ready to kill myself
On my morning drives to the hospital, the tears fell like rain. The prospect of the next 14 hours – 8am to 10pm with not a second’s respite from the nurses’ bleeps, or the overwhelming needs of too many sick patients – was almost too much to bear. But on the late-night trips back home, I’d feel nothing at all. …
New tool could predict large solar storms more than 24 hours in advance
Large magnetic storms from the Sun, which affect technologies such as GPS and utility grids, could soon be predicted more than 24 hours in advance. Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are eruptions of gas and magnetised material from the Sun that have the potential to wreak havoc on satellites and Earth-bound technologies, disrupting radio transmissions and causing transformer blowouts and blackouts. …
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