Ari LeVaux – Bad News for Sweets Lovers: Your Sugar Habit May Cause Breast Cancer

As if sugar doesn’t have enough PR problems, a new study [3] published in January suggests it encourages the growth and spread of breast cancer tumors in rats. Common sugar is half fructose and half glucose, and the researchers showed that the fructose half shows particularly carcinogenic activity. This is similar to recent evidence that pancreatic cancer cells can distinguish between fructose and …

Monsanto’s glyphosate now most heavily used weed-killer in history, study says

Monsanto’s signature herbicide glyphosate, first marketed as “Roundup,” is now the most widely and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture in both the U.S. and globally, according to a landmark report published today in the journal, Environmental Sciences Europe.  A paper published Feb. 2, 2016 in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Sciences Europereports that 18.9 billion pounds (8.6 billion kilograms) …

Karl Plume – California for trying to protect people from glyphosate herbicide

Monsanto Co stepped up its defense of a widely used weed killer on Thursday by filing a lawsuit in California seeking to prevent glyphosate, the main ingredient in its Roundup herbicide, from being added to the state’s list of known carcinogens. The seed and agrochemicals company said it filed the suit against the state’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment …

Carey Gillam – Why Doesn’t the USDA Test for Residues on Food From Monsanto’s ‘Cancer Causing’ Glyphosate?

When microbiologist Bruce Hemming was hired two years ago to test breast milk samples for residues of the key ingredient in the popular weed-killer Roundup, Hemming at first scoffed at the possibility. Hemming, the founder of St. Louis-based Microbe Inotech Laboratories, knew that the herbicidal ingredient called glyphosate was not supposed to accumulate in the human body. Hemming, who previously worked as a scientist …

Monsanto asks the WHO, and California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, not to list glyphosate as a carcinogen

Glyphosate is the key ingredient in Monsanto’s branded Roundup line of herbicides, as well as hundreds of other products, but many scientific studies have raised questions about the health impacts of glyphosate and consumer and medical groups have expressed worries about glyphosate residues in food. In October, Carey Gillam reported for Reuters that California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment …

Carey Gillam – USDA shirking obligation to give consumers clarity over herbicide residues on food

When microbiologist Bruce Hemming was hired two years ago to test breast milk samples for residues of the key ingredient in the popular weed-killer Roundup, Hemming at first scoffed at the possibility. Hemming, the founder of St. Louis-based Microbe Inotech Laboratories, knew that the herbicidal ingredient called glyphosate was not supposed to accumulate in the human body. Hemming, who previously …

Colin Todhunter – The GMO Issue: False Claims, Pseudo Analysis And A Politically Motivated Agenda

Critics of GM promote pseudo-science, make false claims based on ignorance and are driven by politically motivated ideology. The actions of these affluent elitists effectively deny food to the hungry. They are therefore committing crimes against humanity. If you follow the GM issue, no doubt you’ve heard this kind of simplistic, tired and predictable diatribe before. A good deal of …

Evaggelos Vallianatos – Hubris is Surging at the EPA

The EPA is tossing aside safety data; Companies “testing” their own products have led to the EPA sweeping major environmental and social problems under the rug.   In 1978, eight women from the small western Oregon town of Alsea sent a letter to the EPA documenting a frightening series of miscarriages—all of which had occurred shortly after the spring spraying season. …

The Gary Null Show – 12.03.15

Anthony Samsel is an independent research scientist and consultant deeply concerned with public health. In the past he was a research chemist for Arthur D Little and has consulted for JBF Scientific and the US EPA. In recent years Anthony has focused his independent research into the adverse risks of agricultural chemicals, particularly Monsanto’s glyphosate or Roundup, and publishing his findings, in collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, on its relationship to cancer and other diseases. Their collaboration has produced a series of research papers published in the journal Entropy and the Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry on the roundup-cancer relationship. The fourth paper has just been published and is available online.

Independent scientists warn over Monsanto pesticide

* Two major agencies disagree over whether the world’s most-used pesticide, glyphosate, is safe. As the European Union debates the topic, nearly 100 scientists from around the world have urged it to heed safety warnings. It’s the most commonly used – and perhaps also most controversial – pesticide in the world: glyphosate. Opinion between the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) …