Seeds of doubt: Monsanto never had Bt cotton patent – Shishir Arya & Snehlata Shrivastav

Fourteen years after US multinational Monsanto brought the genetically modified (GM) Bt Cotton (Bollgard) to India, there is no clarity on the discovery having ever been patented in the country. Clueless Indian farmers and seed manufacturers have paid crores as royalty to the company from 2002 until 2006, when the company came out with Bollgard 2, which was, incidentally, patented. …

Roundup Ready, Bt-Toxin and GMOs — A Dangerous Trinity That Encourages Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease By Carolanne Wright

In 2012, at least 283.5 million pounds of glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready) was used in U.S. alone. For those who are unconcerned about the environmental or human impacts, this number may not be cause for alarm. But for the millions of people who have developed an array of health issues linked to gluten sensitivity, the assault of foods laden …

Danish Authority Calls Glyphosate a Human Carcinogen – Christine Sarich

A Danish authority has now declared glyphosate a human carcinogen and says “don’t use it.” Will this declaration begin a rash of warnings from around the world? Monsanto may have asked the World Health Organization for a retraction when one of their agencies declared glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s best selling herbicide, Roundup, ‘probably carcinogenic,’ but they are going to have …

These ‘Big 6′ Chemical Companies Now Make 50,000 Different Pesticides – Christine Sarich

At what point can we start calling pesticide makers the true pests that need to be eradicated? At this point the number of pesticides in the world is beyond alarming; it’s (literally) sickening. In the UK, it has been estimated that enough pesticide is used to account for 420g for every woman, man, and child. In the US, the numbers are similar, …

The End of Monsanto By Julie Lévesque

An increasing number of countries are banning Monsanto’s cancer-linked Roundup herbicide, a.k.a. glyphosate. Others are banning Monsanto’s GMOs. Meanwhile, Monsanto-funded U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton thinks “(t)here is a big gap between what the facts are, and what the perceptions are.” Actually the facts are established: Monsanto’s herbicides and GMOs are harmful to humans and animals. Several studies have demonstrated …

Its More Than Monsanto – Shelly Caref

I am an organic farmer in Ecuador. My wife and I moved here almost five years ago from Chicago to retire. I knew almost nothing about agriculture and even less about nutrition. The process of working on the land to make a living has changed me from ignorant to informed, when I learned how money and profits dictate what we …

Sri Lankan President orders to ban import of glyphosate with immediate effect

Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena today announced that the imports and release of the agrochemical Glyphosate will be banned with immediate effect. The release of already imported stocks is also barred. The President made this announcement while participating in a function held to mark the International Day for Biological Diversity at the Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment at Battaramulla. …

Chipotle Under Attack for Going GMO Free – Ronnie Cummins

Since when do the mainstream news media, in a country that worships at the altar of capitalism and the free market, launch a coordinated attack against a company for selling a product consumers want? When that company dares to cross the powerful biotech industry. How else to explain the unprecedented negative coverage of Chipotle, merely because the successful restaurant chain will …

Monsanto Demands World Health Organization Retract Report That Says Roundup Is Linked to Cancer – Anastasia Pantsios

Last week, the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) released a report, compiled by a team of scientists, that said glyphosate—sold by Monsanto in the herbicide Roundup—was probably linked to cancer. This week, Monsanto is demanding the WHO retract the report, essentially repudiating years of research by multiple scientists. Monsanto is claiming the report was biased and that glyphosate products like Roundup are safe when the directions are followed. The …

Monsanto’s worst fear may be coming true – Jonathan Latham

The decision of the Chipotle restaurant chain to make its product lines GMO-free is not most people’s idea of a world-historic event. Especially since Chipotle, by US standards, is not a huge operation. A clear sign that the move is significant, however, is that Chipotle’s decision was met with a tidal-wave of establishment media abuse. Chipotle has been called irresponsible, …