Ken Page – How To Love Yourself First

Everyone’s heard this self-help platitude: We need to love ourselves before we can love anyone else. This may sound wise, but it misses a great truth; if we want to experience true intimacy, we need to be taught to love aspects of ourselves–again and again–by the people around us. As much as we want to control our own destiny, the humbling …

Patrick McNamara – Dreams and revelations

One evening in the year 1745, a distinguished scientist was dining in a private room at a tavern in London, when suddenly he noticed a man sitting in a corner and apparently speaking to him. Fearing for his sanity, the scientist hurried home and fell asleep. Later that night, the man from the tavern appeared in the scientist’s dreams claiming …

Oxytocin enhances spirituality, new study says

Oxytocin has been dubbed the “love hormone” for its role promoting social bonding, altruism and more. Now new research from Duke University suggests the hormone may also support spirituality. In the study, men reported a greater sense of spirituality shortly after taking oxytocin and a week later. Participants who took oxytocin also experienced more positive emotions during meditation, said lead author Patty Van Cappellen, …

Andrew Hoffman – The limits of intellectual reason in our understanding of the natural world

Ability to see the cultural value of wilderness boils down, in the last analysis, to a question of intellectual humility. Author and conservationist Aldo Leopold wrote these words in 1949, and they are all the more important today. As we enter the 21st century and today’s children look forward to living in the 22nd, this lack of intellectual humility is harming us …

Warrior Connection – 04.10.16

The April 10th edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion about the lessons of Vietnam + 40 + 50 years and steps we the veteran who has survived can take to thrive.

obtain an education
choose friends wisely
abandon booze and street drugs
fight for your medical care
take care of yourself and your family
help the next veteran co-hort group to survive and to thrive
get involved in your community
Put your faith, your trust, and your mentor – model for living in GOD.

Joseph Laycock – Why so many Americans think they’re #blessed

Last month, my colleagues and I were moved by a beautiful and tragic New York Times editorial by Kate Bowler, a religion professor from Duke Divinity School who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Bowler recently wrote a book – Blessed: A History of the American Prosperity Gospel – that has been hailed as the first monograph tracing the history of the prosperity gospel …