You don’t need a recipe to make fermented or brined pickles, but you do need to keep the correct ratio of salt to water. Brine strength is the weight of salt as a percentage of the weight of the solution. Older recipes suggest that the salt weight be 10 percent of the weight of the solution—or one cup of salt …
How the FED’s QE Contributed to Inequality
People in America get really angry at the Federal Reserve and at the “money system” in general during economic crises. The Fed draws hostility because of its power, its insulation from democratic accountability, its lack of transparency, and because of its historical and structural connections to finance. It has a lot of power in the economy because it has a …
Nick Beams – A new tipping point in the global economic crisis
The announcement by the global mining giant Anglo American that it will sack 85,000 workers world-wide, put 60 percent of its assets up for sale, and reduce its mining sites from 55 to just 20 signifies that the crisis of the world capitalist economy is heading toward a new tipping point. The world economy is threatened by a plunge into …
Trends This Week – Look at who’s leading us to war – 11.25.15
Global master forecaster Gerald Celente rips into the gutless, mindless leaders who – over and over – take us to war. The signs are everywhere now: The potential triggers for World War III are pervasive and growing. Instead of taking a bold and honest look at the root causes of war and terrorism, your leaders pound the drums for war even harder and more recklessly. Worse yet, there is no indication, not one, that this march to war has any counter voice worth its weight. Later in this show, Celente talks about the Trends Research Institute’s Top Trends for 2016, which will be released soon, and his upcoming Florida retreat, “Prepare for 2016.”
Joe Conason – ‘Fascist’ Trump Isn’t First Demagogue Laughed Off As A Buffoon
Although he is still a clown, nobody laughs at Donald Trump anymore — which may be the real purpose of his candidacy, at least as far as he is concerned. The casino mogul is pleased to instill fear among Republican elites, as he dominates their presidential nominating contest — and forces them to face a hard question about the man …
Leid Stories – 08.13.15
Leid Stories picks up from where it left off with yesterday’s program, discussing what is being marketed by the media as the “phenomenon” of Donald Trump’s presidential bid.
The backdrop to the supersaturated coverage of Trump is a story of intertwined interests in big money and power, the manipulation of public attitudes, and the railroading of what is commonly thought to be “the democratic process.”
In the rough-and-tumble world of American politics these things have become a natural part of the landscape, but the media’s role in this election cycle is astoundingly egregious, says Leid Stories—all the more so because it unabashedly has laid bare its collusion with a corrupt system and process, and with apparent approval from the industry.
Breast Cancer and Nuclear Sites by – CHRIS BUSBY
Do nuclear sites cause increases in cancer in those living nearby? This is the question which has always been the key to stopping the development of nuclear energy. For if the answer is Yes, the laws would cut in; human rights would cut in. Check Mate. The nuclear industry and its supporters have always known this, just as the cigarette …