Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #722- FRI, DEC 29- (12-29-2017): #1- An update on O’Vomit care and how it does or doesn’t affect gringos and expats in LATIN America. Today we have the inside scoop and some stark examples how stateside health insurance companies like Blue Cross etc., can and will pull the rug out from under even long-term policy …
Heart of Mind Radio – 09.16.16
On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Indigenous Wisdom Keeper and organizing Grandfather “Mezatzin Azteka Yolokalli” to talk on Re-encounter of Indigenous People of the Eagle with the People of the Condor in Concordance. UEI Tlatokan… Grand Council: 10 +1 Sacred Circle of Grandmothers & Grandfathers Sages of the Planet. A series of events Septebmer 21-25, 2016.
9 Other Reasons to Eat More Fiber
Even your great-grandmother knew fiber was the secret to keeping you “regular.” But fiber has many other surprisingly powerful health benefits. Here are nine other excellent reasons to bulk up on fiber. Even your great-grandmother knew fiber was the secret to keeping you “regular.” And science has proved it time and again. Studies show fiber can help improve constipation, incontinence, and evenbleeding …