Leid Stories – 08.13.15

Leid Stories picks up from where it left off with yesterday’s program, discussing what is being marketed by the media as the “phenomenon” of Donald Trump’s presidential bid.
The backdrop to the supersaturated coverage of Trump is a story of intertwined interests in big money and power, the manipulation of public attitudes, and the railroading of what is commonly thought to be “the democratic process.”
In the rough-and-tumble world of American politics these things have become a natural part of the landscape, but the media’s role in this election cycle is astoundingly egregious, says Leid Stories—all the more so because it unabashedly has laid bare its collusion with a corrupt system and process, and with apparent approval from the industry.

Project Censored – 07.28.15

Peter Phillips and Project Censored affiliate professor Julie Andrzejewski as co-host address the Global Environmental Crisis. They interview emeritus professor of Religion and Philosophy Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his new book Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis?  Additionally, they talk with Truth Out investigative reporter Dahr Jamail regarding his newest article: Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as …

Robert Fisk – Turkey-Kurdish Conflict: Every Regional Power Has Betrayed the KurdsSo Turkish Bombing Is No Surprise

The Kurds were born to be betrayed. Almost every would-be Middle East statelet was promised freedom after the First World War, and the Kurds even sent a delegation to Versailles to ask for a nation and safe borders. But under the Treaty of Sèvres, in 1920, they got a little nation in what had been Turkey. Then along came the …

1930s Dust Bowl Drought – and Current California Drought – Caused By Warm Ocean Anomalies

A scientific paper published last month in the journal Climate Dynamics by a scientist from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center and three universities found that the 1930s drought was exacerbated by an anomalous warm spots in the ocean: Unusually hot summer conditions occurred during the 1930s over the central United States and undoubtedly contributed to the severity of the Dust Bowl …

50% of the World’s Wildlife Gone in Just 2 Human Generations

Anyone accustomed to Openhand knows that our approach is to fearlessly embrace the truth, even if that makes us unpopular. Why? Because only the truth can truly set you free. There’s so much deception and distortion abound on the planet. We must intuit and feel for ourselves the true landscape and where this is all really heading. For only then, may we …