Alternative Visions – On the Anniversary of the Greek Debt Crisis of 2015: Part 1 (Neoliberal and German Origins of Greek Debt) – 08.19.16

Dr. Rasmus discusses the first of a two part series on the nature of Greek debt crises, and how they are the consequence of Euro neoliberalism, dominance of the Eurozone’s ‘Troika’ (European Commission, European Central Bank, IMF) by German bankers, allies and politicians, and the continuing insolvency of European private banks. Citing recent studies that show 95% of Greece’s debt payment to the Troika since 2010 have gone to European bankers, Rasmus argues the recycling of debt and interest payments represents an emerging new form of financial imperialism that is built into the Eurozone’s very structure since 1999. The deeper analysis is available in Dr. Rasmus’s new book, to be released in September, ‘Looting Greece: An Emerging New Financial Imperialism’, by Clarity Press. Rasmus discusses the origins of the 2010, 2012, 2015 (and April 2016 mini) debt crises in Greece, and concludes with the Greek Syriza party’s main strategic error. Next week, Part 2: ‘Why Syriza’s strategy (and tactics) failed and why the Troika’s prevailed’—plus more on the new financial imperialism taking form in the Eurozone periphery and its prospects globally elsewhere.

Yanis Yaroufakis – The IMF confesses it immolated Greece on behalf of the Eurogroup

This week began with a debate in Greek Parliament called by the Official Opposition (the troika’s main, but not only, domestic cheerleaders) for the purposes of, eventually, indicting me for daring to counter the troika while minister of finance in the first six months of 2015. The troika who had staged a bank run before I moved into the ministry, who had threatened me …

Benjamin Dangl – After Empowering the 1% and Impoverishing Millions, IMF Admits Neoliberalism a Failure

Last week a research wing of the International Monetary Fund came out with a report admitting that neoliberalism has been a failure. The report, entitled, “Neoliberalism: Oversold?” is hopefully a sign of the ideology’s death. They were only about 40 years late. As Naomi Klein tweeted about the report, “So all the billionaires it created are going to give back their money, …

Paul Craig Roberts – Good-Bye To Western Living Standards

My column, “Capitalism At Work,” about Greek women being forced into prostitution by banksters and the IMF produced a number of responses from women, who report that austerity is having the same effect all over Europe. This is from a letter from Portugal: “Your article ‘Capitalism At Work’ shows absolutely what’s happened here in Portugal. It is common for young …

Abayomi Azikiwe – The Re-emerging African Debt Crisis. Renewed IMF “Economic Medicine”

During the 1970s-1990s much attention was focused on the rising debt crisis in post-colonial Africa. Continental states after gaining national independence realized that there could be no genuine development while financial obligations to western-based lending institutions were rapidly escalating. With the balkanization of the continent during colonialism, the national independence movements without political integration and economic unification faced formidable challenges in …

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – What Democracy? – 10.28.15

As if the Greek tragedy of Syriza’s thrashing by the European Troika wasn’t enough, we’ve just witnessed direct overrule of a popular vote by the President of Portugal who refuses to accept a resounding public vote for governmental change. “The bondholders must be served!” reflects his declaration and the predicament citizens of the world face in reclaiming control of their money and their governments from Supra-national Finance. This week Ellen talks with Dr.Thomas Marois about how public banking is working despite the anti-democratic developments in other nations of the world and how the future of public banking will depend on social and political movements, and she looks at some of the current monetary issues headlining in the US with co-host Walt McRee. Bernie Sander’s support for postal banking is another headline grabber, as reported by Matt Stannard on the Public Banking Report.

Deirdre Fulton – After Contentious All-Nighter, Greece Bailout Approval Spurs Rebellion

In a development spurring calls for a new “anti-bailout movement,” the Greek Parliament early Friday approved a controversial €85 billion financial rescue package—the country’s third such bailout from foreign creditors in five years, and one that will require the Greek people to endure further cuts and austerity. “After more than seven hours of often passionate, bad-tempered debate, all through the …

Jon Queally – Bounty on Its Head: Wikileaks Raising €100K Reward for Secret Text of TTIP

The full text of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP) now has a bounty on its head. Launched publicly on Tuesday, the media outlet Wikileaks announced its creation of a crowd-sourcing effort that aims to raise a €100,000 reward for the full text of the the TTIP, the corporate-friendly trade pact currently being negotiated in secret by the …

ANDRE VLTCHEK – Greece: Raped, Humiliated, Frightened But Standing!

A small town of Distomo is just 150 kilometers from Athens, positioned in the heart of Greece, literally squeezed between two great world heritage sites: Delphi, the cradle of the European democracy, and a stunning Byzantine monastery of Hossios Luckas. But Distomo is much more than some picturesque village surrounded by mountains and history. Here, On June 10, 1944, according …

Deirdre Fulton – Beppe: Nationalize Banks to Throw Off ‘Anti-Democratic Straitjacket’of Eurozone

Longtime critic of the Eurozone’s destructive commitment to austerity, Italian comedian-turned-political activist Beppe Grillo has launched what one news outlet called a “full-throated attack” on the single currency, saying his country should throw off that “anti-democratic straitjacket” by nationalizing its banks and taking a stronger stance against the demands of elite financial interests. Grillo, who the Guardian says “transformed Italian …