On Thursday, Amazon, the online retail giant, announced that, contrary to analysts’ predictions and after months of financial losses, it had turned a profit in the second quarter. The stock market responded with euphoria. Amazon’s share price surged by 18 percent in a single day, adding $40 billion to the company’s market capitalization. With 154,000 employees, Amazon overnight became the …
China’s Market Falls: a New Global Financial Crisis Next? By Jack Rasmus
China’s two main stock markets, the Shanghai and the Shenzhen Exchanges, plunged more than 30% in recent weeks from their previous record highs of June 12. The Shanghai dropped 30%, and the tech-stock heavy Shenzhen by 37%. That’s the steepest stock decline in China since 1992. The markets briefly stabilized on July 9. But the question remains, will they continue …
The consequences of Syriza’s betrayal: From terms of surrender to terms of occupation – Barry Gray
Meeting late into Sunday night, euro zone heads of government issued new ultimatums to Greece that would effectively strip the country of its sovereignty and turn it into an economic colony of the German banks. The German government has been the most aggressive in insisting that either the Greek parliament pass a series of laws by Wednesday night imposing a …
Crying Wolf? Impending Global Financial Collapse Will Change the World Order By Bill Holter
Worse than any disease or even leprosy, anyone spouting Austrian economics or even “common sense” (almost extinct today) has been shoved into the outcast corner by the mass delusional majority. Over the last few years, “theory after theory” has become fact after FACT afterFACT! There can no longer be any question, conspiracy to delude and defraud has run rampant and is a …
NATO announces expansion of military force targeting Russia By Niles Williamson
NATO defense ministers meeting in Brussels Wednesday and Thursday agreed to the enlargement of the organization’s Response Force to 40,000 troops from the current level of 13,000. On Tuesday, ahead of the meeting, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced the positioning of hundreds of American tanks, military vehicles and heavy artillery pieces in the Baltic States as well as Poland, …
BP Data Suggests We Are Reaching Peak Energy Demand – Gail Tverberg
Some people talk about peak energy (or oil) supply. They expect high prices and more demand than supply. Other people talk about energy demand hitting a peak many years from now, perhaps when most of us have electric cars. Neither of these views is correct. The real situation is that we right now seem to be reaching peak energy demand through low …
US Global Hegemony, “Asymmetric Warfare” Directed against China by MIKE WHITNEY
“Since its founding, the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various rivals, first on the North American continent, then in the Western hemisphere, and finally globally.” Robert D. Blackwill and Ashley J.Tellis, Revising U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China, The Council on Foreign Relations Special Report, March 2015 “It is for the …
What NAFTA can teach us about the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal By MICHAEL MUSKAL
The Obama administration this week will continue to wrestle with reluctant congressional Democrats seeking a compromise to advance the president’s hoped-for legacy of expanding trading relations with Asia. Although a variety of political concerns color the debate, the heart of the issue is economic: whether expanding free trade is good for the U.S. economy and for American workers, a key …
Israel’s Race to Economic and Moral Bankruptcy By Jonathan Cook
Two recent reports suggest that Israel could face catastrophic consequences if it fails to end the mistreatment of Palestinians under its rule, whether in the occupied territories or in Israel itself. The Rand Corporation’s research shows that Israel could lose $250 billion over the next decade if it fails to make peace with the Palestinians and violence escalates. Ending the …
GDP Is An Insufficient Measure Of True Economic Growth By Luis Miranda
Economic growth has bee at zero percent or lower for two or three years in a row in most of the western world. Cooked government numbers say that most so-called western powers have grown at 0.2% and that the recession that began in 2009 is over. In Europe, the Spanish government has been short of organizing a parade, because according …