The first guest today was Jason Leopold, an investigative reporter who has covered Guantanamo Bay, national security, human rights, open government, and civil liberties. He is called a “FOIA Terrorist” by federal employees for his aggressive use of the Freedom of Information Act. In the latest response to a FOIA request, the US State Department revealed that Hillary Clinton exchanged nearly two-dozen top secret emails from her unsecured, private server with three senior aides while she was Secretary of State. The second guest was David Shurter, a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor who was tortured in the MK Ultra program until the age of 10. David became involved with the key players in the Franklin Credit Union Scandal in Omaha in the 1980s because the players were his parent’s friends. The scandal involved a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington DC, that traded young children to politicians and other wealthy people in the US for sexual abuse, human trafficking, drug trafficking and blackmail.
MARK MAZZETTI and ALI YOUNES – C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say
AMMAN, Jordan — Weapons shipped into Jordan by the Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia intended for Syrian rebels have been systematically stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, according to American and Jordanian officials. Some of the stolen weapons were used in a shooting in November that killed two Americans and three others at a police training facility in Amman, F.B.I. officials …
Andrew Emett – IPhone Just The Beginning: Obama Just Announced He Wants A Backdoor To Everything
While visiting South By Southwest (SXSW) on Friday, President Barack Obama argued that the government should be given a backdoor to all encrypted smartphones and communications devices. Although Obama repeatedly played the child molester and terrorist cards, he never confronted the possibility of U.S. intelligence agencies abusing their power at a level far more technologically advanced than the KGB, Stasi, …
John Perkins – The Deeper, Darker Meaning Behind Not Closing Guantánamo
The other night on John Oliver’s HBO program, I saw a funny montage of President Obama repeatedly stating his intention to close Guantanamo. In the beginning, the youthful president was unequivocal. But with each successive news clip—and as his hair became increasingly grayer—Mr. Obama became less emphatic. He was practically conciliatory in his last public statement about closing the offshore …
Mike Shedlock – Obama’s Brilliant Bullshit!
On Tuesday evening I watched president Obama’s state of the union address. It was brilliant. Obama rang all the bells, dotted all the i’s, and attacked all the ghosts. At times, he even made sense. All in all, it was a brilliant effort, possibly his best speech ever, even though his speech was essentially bullshit. In case you missed that …
Jon Rappoport – The State of the Union Speech Obama Won’t Give
“The greatest covert op in the world is demoralization. If you can do that to a population, anything and everything follows.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) Suppose, in a burst of exasperation, Obama gave a quite different State of the Union Address to Congress and the American people. Exasperation? Why? Because Obama wants recognition for his clever and ingenious manipulations. He …
Pentagon Deliberately Thwarting Efforts to Close Guantanamo
Reuters exposes ‘pattern’ of obstructionism that has prevented or delayed the transfer of cleared detainees President Obama’s repeated pledges to close the Guantánamo Bay detention center have been routinely and deliberately undermined by his own Department of Defense, according to a damning new investigation published on Monday. Citing numerous administration officials, Reuters exposed a “pattern” of bureaucratic obstacles imposed by the U.S. Pentagon which …
American Imperialism’s Military Chaplains Rev. William Alberts
A recent report has documented the collusion of the American Psychological Association (A.P.A.) with the Department of Defense (D.O.D.) in the torture of apprehended suspects, which aided the George W. Bush administration’s so-called “global war on terrorism.” The A.P.A.’s leadership cozied up to the Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency, and compromised the organization’s ethical standards to help legitimize torture and …
The Truth About Diego Garcia By David Vine
First, they tried to shoot the dogs. Next, they tried to poison them with strychnine. When both failed as efficient killing methods, British government agents and U.S. Navy personnel used raw meat to lure the pets into a sealed shed. Locking them inside, they gassed the howling animals with exhaust piped in from U.S. military vehicles. Then, setting coconut husks …