Expat Files – 04.02.17

#2-A quick guide to hiring and firing maids, gardeners and other domestic help. Up in the states, most gringos and Expats can never afford a maid or gardener. That can present stressful boss/employee relations problems if not handled correctly right from the start. Problem #1: Many Gringos/Gringas feel quite guilty about paying so little (considered slave wages in the states). They often compensate by being very lenient and letting maids set the rules in the house, often forgetting who’s the boss and who’s the employee.

Expat Files – 03.30.17

#1- Hidden truths about the proposed Trump wall the media will never tell you about #2-The quick start, vote-with-your-feet, fast track “Plan B” method explained #3- What you need to know about Latin currencies and the underlying inflation stats behind them #4- There have been subtle and not so subtle changes in the Latin coins and change in your pocket. …

Expat Files – 09.20.15

-Johnny answers some candid questions about what it was like for him to work for years on various Latin stations; the lone gringo radio host and DJ guy. What was it like doing Latin big-city morning drive time as well as evening rush hour traffic in a huge Latin market where no one at the station spoke English? Who listened? Was he censored? Was he fired? Did he get beat up or shot at?

-A “boots on the ground” analysis of the unprecedented presidential election results in Guatemala: One corrupt psychopath shoe-in candidate spent $20 million and bought millions of votes with cash and giveaways; a second favored candidate “dragon lady” spent $5 million, while a completely unknown small business guy, theatrical producer, actor and part time clown spent $200k. Guess who won?

-Which Latin cites have the most dangerous public transportation systems (as in getting robbed or mugged)? What Latin city is most dangerous for woman travelers? What cites have the most crooked taxi drivers?

They Say “Peace” But Really, It’s War – ANDRE VLTCHEK

They say “may peace prevail on earth”, but every night, there are fires burning in the terrible slums of Nairobi, Jakarta, Guatemala City and Mumbai. The World Education Forum is now taking place in Seoul, South Korea. UNESCO and Korea organized this colorful event. Everyone is talking, others are singing, and a few are dancing. The Secretary General of the …