Amanda Marcotte – Texas Will Now Require Funeral Services Whenever a Woman Has an Abortion or a Miscarriage

In June anti-choice activists in Texas suffered a serious setback in their attempts to make abortion as miserable as possible for women. That was when the Supreme Court overturned a series of medically unnecessary regulations enacted for no other reason than to make abortion more onerous, time-consuming and expensive for women. But Texas conservatives are still determined to find ways to punish women …

Renee Bracey Sherman – What the War on Reproductive Rights Has to do With Poverty and Race

When Justice Harry A. Blackmun authored the decision legalizing abortion in Roe v. Wade, he wrote that “[t]he right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision, but this right is not unqualified and must be considered against important state interests in regulation.” Although this was a win for those seeking to both legalize abortion and prevent harm inflicted on people seeking illegal …