Warrior Connection – 03.20.16

The March 20 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion based on the Army Times front page story for March 21 edition “TOO MANY SOLDIERS CAN’T SHOOT” ( Army Times pages 18- 21, Michelle Tan) and how to improve personal marksmanship with either a rifle or handgun. Obviously, we think that everybody should qualify as an expert but that will take time and increase costs. Supporting commentaries we have written include:

Peter Van Buren – Texas Academics Told to Avoid ‘Sensitive Topics’ to Prevent Angering Armed Students

Here’s another swanky benefit of our out-of-control gun culture: university professors should be aware that their students might shoot them. The Texas state legislature voted last year to allow students to carry concealed handguns into classrooms, dorms, just about anywhere on campus, a practice with roots to when Socrates taught Aristotle. If students packing seems like a bad idea to …