Greg Grandin – Kissinger, the Bombardier

In April 2014, ESPN published a photograph of an unlikely duo: Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and former national security adviser and secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Yankees-Red Sox season opener. In fleece jackets on a crisp spring day, they were visibly enjoying each other’s company, looking for all the world like a twenty-first-century geopolitical …

Hillary, ‘The Family,’ and Uganda’s Anti-Gay Christian Mafia – Sally Kohn

The evangelical organization that describes itself as a Christian mafia has been the hidden hand behind Uganda’s anti-gay bill, along with Rick Warren, the gay-bashing pastor who presided at Obama’s first inauguration. The President of Uganda has just signed into law extreme anti-gay legislation.  In addition to imprisoning anyone who counsels or reaches out to the gay, lesbian, bisexual or …

Why Scientology’s Cone of Silence Shattered

For decades, the controversial church was able to bat down unflattering media attention. But now the klieg lights are everywhere. For most of its existence the Church of Scientology grew and prospered by protecting its secrets. But it’s been tough holding on to that model in the 21st century, a notoriously bad era for powerful institutions in the secret-keeping business. …