Chinese medicinal herbs provide niche market for US farmers

Expanding interest in traditional Chinese medicine in the United States is fostering a potentially lucrative new niche market for farmers who plant the varieties of herbs, flowers and trees sought by practitioners. While almost all practitioners still rely on imports from China, dwindling wild stands there, as well as quality and safety concerns, could drive up demand for herbs grown …

In Latest Obamacare Fiasco, Most Low-Income Workers Can’t Afford “Affordable Care Act”

Just ten days ago we described the latest unintended (we hope) consequence of the Affordable Care Act known as Obamacare, when Colorado’s largest nonprofit co-op health insurer and participant in that state’s insurance exchange, Colorado HealthOP, announcing it was abruptly shutting down ahead of the November 1 start of enrollment for 2016, forcing 80,000 Coloradans to find a new insurer for 2016. …

The Real Reason Why RAW Milk Is Illegal

Have you ever wondered why RAW milk is illegal? While the main argument by the FDA is that it has a higher chance of havingSalmonella, E. coli, or Listeria bacteria, the same can be said for many types of sushi and unpasteurized cider, believe it or not. Yet those are legal (with exception of New York’s Cider Pasteurization Law and other …

NDC Savings Club – 09.02.15

Today Show: Healthy Vision and Eyecare

Guest Speaker: Dr. Marc Grossman

Healthy Vision is Our Strongest Link to the World Around Us. NaturalEyeCare™ was created in May, 1999 to help health care professionals and the public become aware of the role of complementary care in the treatment of eye disease. We believe that combining the best in traditional and complementary care creates the greatest opportunity for individuals to protect and improve vision. We believe that the health of the eye depends on the well-being of one’s entire body. We provide recommendations for healing and preserving vision that encompass lifestyle, diet and nutritional products based on our analysis of peer review studies.

Health News Segment with: Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine

Today Topic: Part 2 Autism Epidemic/ASD – 6 Part Series

The Autism/ASD Epidemic is a profound, eye-opening series of short, informative and practical talks presented by the Dr. Michael Wald – nicknamed the Blood Detective. Dr. Wald explores the criteria for autism and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), talks about potential causes from all angles and critically evaluates both medical and nutritional and natural treatments.

Fearless Parent Radio – Beyond Diet & Nutrition: Overlooked Healing Strategies – 08.19.15

Guest // Patricia Lemer, LPC

Host // Beth Lambert

palmer-reflexWhen a child is sick and parents are in “get it done” mode, stand back. We’re booking appointments, stocking up on supplies, recruiting therapists, setting up protocols, implementing new programs, and buying lots (and lots) of supplements. It’s a relief to be productive but the feeling doesn’t last. Our frenzied, sleepless activity gives way to a kind of unnatural calm where we ask:

What am I missing?

There are elements of a child’s growth and development that are almost always overlooked. This is true for all children but it’s especially true for those on a healing journey. For example:

State-of-the-art won’t mean a thing if the basics aren’t covered — think: sleep, sunshine, laughter.
What are retained primitive reflexes and what do they have to do with memory, sensory integration, emotional maturity, eating, handwriting, and stress management (among many, many others)?
Did you know that visual acuity (i.e., can your child see the blackboard?) is just one component of vision?
patty lemer headshotPatricia S. Lemer is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and practiced as an educational diagnostician for over 40 years. She was co-founder and Executive Director of Developmental Delay Resources (DDR), and international, non-profit organization for 20 years. DDR merged with Epidemic Answers in 2013, and Patty serves as Board Chair. She holds a Masters of Education in counseling and learning disabilities from Boston College and a Masters in Business from John Hopkins University. Patty lectures internationally on developmental delays, including autism spectrum disorders. From 2012-2014, she served as Chief Consultant in the establishment of a center for young adults with disabilities in Kuwait. She is the author of EnVISIONing a Bright Future: Interventions that Work for Children and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Outsmarting Autism. Visit her website for more information.

NDC Savings Club – 08.19.15

Today Show: Hotel Md 24/7 Guest Speaker: Ken Crause – Owner Ken Crause, a world traveler himself, saw a need for easy access to a doctor when traveling around the world and felt that many other travelers would welcome the benefit of conveniently accessing a doctor from the privacy of their hotel room, should they not feel well while staying …

Obamacare continues historic downward slide by Joan McCarter

In the uninsured rate, that is. Gallup reports another low in the uninsured rate, which they’ve been tracking for the past seven years. The rate fell another half of a percentage point, from 11.9 percent to 11.4 percent, in the last quarter. The uninsured rate has dropped nearly six percentage points since the fourth quarter of 2013, just before the requirement for …

The Choice Ahead: A Private Health-Insurance Monopoly or a Single Payer – ROBERT REICH

The Supreme Court’s recent blessing of Obamacare has precipitated a rush among the nation’s biggest health insurers to consolidate into two or three behemoths. The result will be good for their shareholders and executives, but bad for the rest of us – who will pay through the nose for the health insurance we need. We have another choice, but before …

US health insurers seek huge rate increases for 2016 By Kate Randall

Health insurance companies across the US are seeking rate increases of 20 percent to 40 percent and more, according to filings by the insurers with state insurance commissions. Insurance companies cite a larger than expected pool of unhealthy enrollees, high drug prices, and diminishing profits as contributing factors requiring the premium hikes. The rate increase requests are the latest demonstration …

2 Sneaky Ways Women’s Rights Are Being Threatened Right Now By Georgeanne M. Usova

The House has been hard at work in recent weeks passing spending bills to fund the government — but it’s no secret that these bills are about more than just setting funding levels. As has been the case historically, these bills are a chance for Congress to show the American people where its priorities really lie. And this year, the agenda includes …