The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 07.06.16

Every one of us can receive lifesaving health-enhancing information from Pam Popper, PhD, founder of The Wellness Forum who explains how we can eat ourselves out of bad health and into good health with the kinds of foods that humans have genetically evolved to eat. She offers a rational, science-based approach that all of us can benefit from. Pam is also a shining example of standing up for truth in healthcare in the face of aggressive establishment opposition.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Flu Fallacies and Getting Flu-Ready – Flu Survival – 03.01.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN,, interviews board-certified internal medicine and concierge physician, Dr. Ken Redcross, MD. Dr. Redcorss is founder of Redcross Concierge, a personalized medical practice designed to enhance the patient doctor relationship while providing convenient access to a full spectrum of healthcare services and holistic and wellness counseling. As one of the first full service concierge, personalized medical practices in the United States, Redcross’ patient portfolio includes executives, athletes and entertainers, as well as individuals from all walks and stages of life. His focus on developing the patient doctor bond is a unique characteristic of his concierge services that allows for a more strategic and customized approach to each patient’s healthcare plan. Redcross earned his medical degree from Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, specializing in internal medicine. He has extensive on camera experience with major national television shows including “The Doctors,” “The Insider” and E! Entertainment Television.

Gary Null, PhD – The Gulf War Syndrome Plot: The US Government’s Conspiracy of Silence and Obstruction Against Gulf War Veterans

With only 148 Americans officially killed in action and only 467 wounded, the Gulf War seemed to be a shining victory for our military and its leaders. However, this victory has cast a long, lingering shadow. Today we know that nearly 200,000 of our Gulf service men and women are suffering from a debilitating and sometimes deadly syndrome. The suffering our military personnel have endured from Gulf War syndrome is outrageous in and of itself; however, the US government’s decades-long denial that the illness even exists has compounded the problem tremendously.

Watch The Real Truth About Health Conference Live

The Real Truth About Health Conference in Orlando Fl, 05/22/2015 – 05/31/2015 9:00am to 10:00pm will be broadcasted live at To watch the conference live simply click the link above. You will be asked for an Email and a first name, once that is entered you will be given a code to enter in to the password field. You will be sent …

Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine – Part 1

By Gary Null, PhD, Debora Rasio, MD, and Martin Feldman, MD   During the past century, a medical establishment has evolved that has positioned itself as the exclusive provider of so-called scientific, evidence-based therapies. For the first 70 years of the 20th century, little effort was made to challenge the establishment’s paradigm, which we call the orthodox medical approach. In …

Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine – Part 3

By,  Gary Null, PhD, Debora Rasio, MD, and Martin Feldman, MD   With the third installment of this series, we conclude our examination of conventional medical practices and women’s health. Part 3 looks at problems associated with the use of oral contraceptives; Parts 1 and 2 covered topics relating to pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding, hysterectomies, cesarean sections, and episiotomies. As established …