Heart of Mind Radio – 04.22.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis and her guests offer a celebration of Mother Earth. We begin with a talk with Guru Dileepkuman and Indigenous Grandmother Lygia DelCastro to talk about the Earth Festival event on Saturday April, 23.

In segment two we offer a celebration of increased awareness and connection between humanity and Mother Earth Terra Gaia with the song “Earth”, by Me’Shell Ndegeocello.

Today’s Guests:

Guru Dileepkuman is a Humanitarian Yogi, Spiritual Guru, Multi talented Artist, Sportsman, Politician and Interfaith Leader. He is Founder and Director of International Gurukula Community and World Yoga Community

Bishop Auxiliary “Grandmother” Lygia Maciel DeCastro is a wise woman and native elder whose life bridges the worlds of the four directions. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, she was initiated into the world of midwifery at the tender age of seven years old, raised by a family of midwives and farmers who generously shared food and clothing with the needy in their community. Surrounded by a large and loving family, her mother, aunt and grandmothers, trained her in the art of herbology and midwifery.

Every Sunday at Cherry Hill, Central Park by the Bethesda Fountain, at 10am, from the first Sunday of Spring to the first Sunday of Fall, Lygia facilitates the art of PanEuRhythmy Sacred Dance (www.PanEuRhythmy.us).

Heart of Mind Radio – 04.15.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis continues to bring forth the wisdom of the “Collective Over-Soul of Human-Earth Embodiment” and offers a meditation for integration with this aspect of our collective higher self. Listeners have an opportunity to call in during the program to ask about their life journey and or obstacles.

Heart of Mind Radio – 04.08.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio our host Kathryn Davis offers “Today’s Now” reading from the Collective Over-Soul of the Human Earth Embodiment. Yes, humanity and the planet herself are one being with one conscious awareness.

We are living at a time of great significance in that now is when all can come into this great awareness. Following the reading Kathryn offers an activation, which is more than a meditation. It is designed to awaken within each one the bubbling stream of truth from source awareness, that which lays at the core of each being.

As we awaken to the source within each of us and allow our life stream to arise from this, source humanity awakens to its power to recreate the existence on earth, allowing love and harmony to rise into the expression of being.

Kathryn is an energy healer, movement teacher and channel of divine energy. This divine energy comes forth through her hands, in her words and from the heart. All human beings have this capacity. It is not unique. But we must turn our attention inward so that we can manifest our individual creation and contribution to the restoration of life on earth.

You can contact Kathryn for personal reading, healing sessions or with your questions. HeartOfMindRadio@gmail.com and (347) 480-1694
For more information go to QigongOnLine.net

Heart of Mind Radio – 04.01.16

On Today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis introduces the revolutionary work Dr.Akyiaa Azula in a conversation about the “Medicine of the Self.” In segment two Kathryn offers an explanation of the Healing Power of Qigong Practice and invites listers to participate in her Spiritual Support Group. Dr. Akyiaa Azula O.M.D./A.P. – Medicine of the Self
Dr. Azula has been practicing acupuncture and integrative medicine for over 30 years. It has evolved from standard treatment protocols, to a completely patient centered practice which involves communication with body intelligence as the key to healing. She is also a Medical Intuitive and specializes in Allergy Elimination and consultation on creating through the authentic self. “What is your body saying?” Your body contains a vast amount of knowledge as to what ails it, and exactly how to repair itself. If you would like to experience safe, effective, long lasting and fast results, Medicine of the Self is what you are looking for.
Dr. Akylaa Azula will be coming to New York for an event scheduled from June 2nd to June 5th 2016
Website: www.Akyiaa.com

Heart of Mind Radio – 03.18.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, in our first segment, host Kathryn Davis will feature Brother NorthStar, a peace pilgrim, vigilist, medicine walker and modern day Sojourner Truth to talk about his mission “One People, One Earth!”

In segment two we feature the work of Andrew Kaen, Audrey LightLanguage and Stephen Popiotek, who along with Kathryn will be participating in the New Life Expo taking place this weekend, March 18-20 at the Penn Plaza Pavillion in New York. For information go to NewLifeExpo.com

Heart of Mind Radio – 03.11.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Mark Becker, founder of The New Life Expo. http://newlifeexpo.com/

In our first segment we will discuss the next New Life experience opportunity that is coming up on March 18th – 20th at the Pen Plaza Pavilion: 401 7th Ave., NY, NY 10001. Host Kathryn Davis will give a lecture on Vibrational Intelligence on Friday May 18th at 9 PM, Room C 2nd Floor.

In the second part of today’s program we feature segments from three inspiring authors on the general topic of self-realization from the series: Sounds True Producers Pick. Go to this link for the full collection of inspiring audio clips


Rick Jarow: Honoring Your Calling

Rick Jarow is a professor of religion at Vassar College and an acclaimed alternative career counselor. Most counselors will tell you that the way to find the right job for you is to make an inventory of your skills and then match them to the trends and demands of the marketplace. Yet how often does that end up providing us with truly fulfilling work? Rick teaches a radically different approach. “We are all called toward a unique expression that only we can offer to the world,” he says, “and if we do not honor that calling, our gifts may remain lost to the world forever.” In selecting this Producer’s Pick, Sounds True producer Matt Licata chose an excerpt from The Beginner’s Guide to Finding Your Perfect Job that showcases not only Rick’s wisdom for finding our purpose, but also his ability to carry us with his voice into a spacious place where we can naturally hear our unique calling.

Tara Brach: Connecting with Your Aspirations

There is a saying in Zen Buddhism: “The most important thing is to remember the most important thing.” As Tara Brach teaches, this is a pointing instruction that guides us to reflect on the essential values that are most important to us—heartfelt truths that are often obscured by our hectic movement through the everyday world. In this selection from her audio program Finding True Refuge selected by Sounds True producer Randy Roark, Tara offers a simple and profound guided meditation to help you reach a place of truth, love, and awareness in order to rediscover and reconnect to what is most important to you.

Jack Kornfield: Becoming a Child of Spirit

The play of sunlight through leaves . . . the songs of the wind . . . the arc of a brushstroke on paper. To be awake, reflects Jack Kornfield, is to discover the beauty hidden in all things—and to express that beauty ourselves. “The thing that resonated with me most in Jack’s new program, Turn Toward the Beautiful: Creativity as a Path of Liberation,” says Sounds True producer Randy Roark, “is the realization that the greatest impediment to our creativity is the false sense of certainty we so often seek—our desire to ‘solve’ life like it’s a problem.” In this excerpt, Jack explores how we can reclaim our childlike attitude of wonder, attuning ourselves to the beauty that often passes us by unnoticed

Heart of Mind Radio – 03.04.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis features the work of Pema Chödrön, with audio segments offered by SoundsTrue.com. Also learn more about her work at http://pemachodronfoundation.org

Pema Chodron was born Deirdre Blomfield-Brown in 1936, in New York City. She attended Miss Porter’s School in Connecticut and graduated from the University of California at Berkeley. She taught as an elementary school teacher for many years in both New Mexico and California. Pema has two children and three grandchildren.

While in her mid-thirties, Pema traveled to the French Alps and encountered Lama Chime Rinpoche, with whom she studied for several years. She became a novice nun in 1974 while studying with Lama Chime in London. His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa came to England at that time, and Pema received her ordination from him.

Pema first met her root teacher, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, in 1972. Lama Chime encouraged her to work with Rinpoche, and it was with him that she ultimately made her most profound connection, studying with him from 1974 until his death in 1987. At the request of the Sixteenth Karmapa, she received the full monastic ordination in the Chinese lineage of Buddhism in 1981 in Hong Kong.

Pema served as the director of Karma Dzong, in Boulder, until moving in 1984 to rural Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to be the director of Gampo Abbey. Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche asked her to work towards the establishment of a monastery for western monks and nuns.

Pema currently teaches in the United States and Canada and plans for an increased amount of time in solitary retreat under the guidance of Venerable Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.

Pema is interested in helping establish the monastic tradition in the West, as well in continuing her work with Buddhists of all traditions, sharing ideas and teachings. She has written several books: “The Wisdom of No Escape”, “Start Where You Are”, “When Things Fall Apart”, “The Places that Scare You”, “No Time to Lose” and “Practicing Peace in Times of War”, and most recently, “Smile at Fear”.

Heart of Mind Radio – 02.26.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis shares an interview of herself on the program Take Charge of Your Health. They asks our host about her healing practice which includes, Reiki, Qigong and the Sandlin Technique. Learn more about Kathryn’s work at http://www.QigongOnLine.net

In the second segment we feature the work of Martin Boroson on the One Moment Meditation.

“With my book, One-Moment Meditation, I re-framed traditional thinking about meditation—showing busy people how to meditate in just a moment. My focus now is on the dynamic power of this moment for leadership, innovation, and momentum. Because one moment really can change everything …” Martin Boroson,

http://martinboroson.com/ http:///onemomentmeditation.com

Martin Boroson has been instrumental in bringing meditation to the mainstream and applying its benefits to leadership, strategy, and innovation.

Growing up in New York, Marty had a precocious first career as a teenage political activist until, at seventeen, he began to wonder what it was all about. Convinced there was more to life, he “retired” from politics to search for something deeper: studying Western philosophy at Yale and then pursuing private study of Eastern philosophy and depth psychology.

While a graduate student at the Yale School of Management, he made his first attempts to bridge the analytic, quantitative tools of business with traditional wisdom skills. After earning his MBA from Yale, he redoubled his commitment to deeper forms of inquiry and experience.

In this period, Marty began to practice Zen meditation, studied dream analysis, and trained in the facilitation of breakthrough experience with Dr. Stanislav Grof. He worked as a psychotherapist, supporting people recovering from severe trauma, and facilitated intensive retreats using breathwork to catalyze major transformation. He formed an experimental theater company, The Temenos Project, which was awarded a three-year grant from the Irish government to promote innovation in the arts. And he wrote his first book, Becoming Me, which unites various cosmologies into a deceptively simple story—winning rave reviews from psychologists, scientists, and leaders of many different faiths.

Marty eventually distilled his diverse experiences and insights into a simple, new form of meditation training—One-Moment Meditation®. This playful, practical technique has helped over one million people start meditating now and experience the benefits of just one moment of focused attention.