Edward Curtin – Allen Dulles’ “Indonesian Strategy” and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Would Allen Dulles have resorted to assassinating the President of the United States to ensure the achievement of  his ‘Indonesian strategy’? This is the central question addressed by Greg Poulgrain in his extraordinarily important book, The Incubus of Intervention: Conflicting Indonesian Strategies of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles. Two days before President John Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963, he had accepted …

Richard Falk – On (Not) Loving Henry Kissinger

There is an irony that would be amusing if it was not depressing about news that Donald Trump has been courting the 92-year old foreign policy sorcerer Henry Kissinger. Of course, the irony is that earlier in the presidential campaign Hilary Clinton proudly claimed Kissinger as ‘a friend,’ and acknowledged that he “relied on his counsel” while she served as …

GARY LEUPP – Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy Resumé: What the Record Shows

“Very competent, very professional, very intelligently moving towards the center, very shrewdly and effectively serving on the Armed Services Committee.” — Rep. Newt Gingrich, referring to fellow committee member Hillary Clinton, April 2005 “She ran the State Department in the most effective way that I have ever seen.” — Henry Kissinger, referring to Hillary Clinton, Sept. 9, 2014 “Her so-called …

John Pilger – The Rape of East Timor: The Greatest Crime of the 20th Century, Executed and Covered up

Secret documents found in the Australian National Archives provide a glimpse of how one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century was executed and covered up. They also help us understand how and for whom the world is run.  The documents refer to East Timor, now known as Timor-Leste, and were written by diplomats in the Australian embassy in …

Greg Grandin – Kissinger, the Bombardier

In April 2014, ESPN published a photograph of an unlikely duo: Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and former national security adviser and secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Yankees-Red Sox season opener. In fleece jackets on a crisp spring day, they were visibly enjoying each other’s company, looking for all the world like a twenty-first-century geopolitical …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 10.29.15


With Political Science Professor BOB FITRAKIS we discuss the very controversial Proposition 3 which would establish legal corporations to grow and dominate the marijuana trade in Ohio. The details of this proposition are so mind-binding you will have to listen to this discussion to sort it all out (we dare you!!!)

We also talk about our new article WHY THE DRUG WAR HAS BEEN A FORTY-YEAR LYNCHING (www.freepress.org) which gets to the bottom of how Richard Nixon and the Republican Party used the War on Drugs to change the nature of politics in America. Among other things, some FORTY MILLION PEOPLE have been arrested for drugs in the US since 1970, with many millions of them losing the right to vote. This helped swing the south to the GOP and give it control of the US Congress.

It’s a mind-boggling issue. Toke up and take a listen!!!

Dave Lindorff – History Should and Probably Will Judge President Obama as the Worst President Ever

President Barack Obama is on track to go down in history as one of the, or perhaps as the worst and most criminal presidents in US history. He started out, campaigning in 2008, as someone would would restore the rule of law in US international affairs and here at home after eight years of criminality during the Bush and Cheney …

CJ Werleman – America: “The Leading Terrorist State And Proud Of It”

Our refusal to acknowledge the human cost our violence blinds us to the malevolence of US imperialism According to the Pentagon, US led airstrikes against ISIS have killed only two civilians: both children – “likely in Syria”. A new report compiled by the non-profit group Airwars, which tracks coalition airstrikes in the Middle East, documents up to 591 civilian deaths from more …