Leid Stories – 03.03.16

Election 2016: The Duopoly’s Problems With Its Frontrunners

They are leading the pack of candidates vying for nomination by their parties to be standard bearers in the general election, but even as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are outpacing fellow contenders at the polls in primary elections, they also are carrying a lot of political baggage that not only weighs against them, but also could be too much for their parties to bear. Leid Stories discusses the downsides to Clinton’s and Trump’s upswings.

Hillary Clinton Caught Lying to Voters on Trade Deal

While publicly opposing an international free trade agreement, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was secretly lobbying Democratic members of Congress to support the deal as her newly released emails disclosed. Due to Clinton’s history of dishonesty and political flip-flopping, Sen. Bernie Sanders believes she will change her stance on the TPP and support the detrimental trade deal if she is elected …

Leid Stories – 03.02.16

Election 2016: The Duopoly’s Super Tuesday Wins and What They Mean for the Rest of Us

Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s big wins in the Super Tuesday primaries have all but cleared their paths to their parties’ nomination and eventual matchup in November’s general election. Listeners decipher the results of yesterday’s primaries and what they mean for progressives.

Trends This Week – Warren Buffett “dead wrong” on US future! Shilling for Clinton? – 03.02.16

When Warren Buffett speaks, the media world listens. And when it comes to deal making, not even Donald “I am the Greatest” Trump comes close to Buffett. But when it comes to trend forecasting outside Wall Street, the “Oracle of Omaha” is either far removed from Main Street… or, as a major financial backer and Hillary Clinton supporter, is he shilling for her by demeaning “many Americans,” including us, who have documented an America in serious socioeconomic decline? And an America fanning war flames across the globe?

Gary G. Kohls, MD – Big Pharma’s Nefarious Control of Health Care and The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

Everybody should be aware by now of the large amount of control that for-profit multinational corporations have over both state and federal legislative bodies and most of our congressional and presidential politicians (except for Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein). But they also have a lot of control over the major media, the “defense” spending priorities at the Pentagon, America’ educational …

On The NYT’s Sorry Whitewash Of Clinton And Her War On Libya

The New York Times has a two part piece about the U.S. war on Libya and especially Hillary Clinton’s role as the then Secretary of State in it. Adhering to the NYT’s editorial line, the overall picture of Clinton is painted in sympathetic colors even when it describes the disaster she created. Overall it is a whitewash of history based on the lies …

Sarah Lazare – The Best and Worst States for Women in America, From Wages to Life Expectancy

As we enter yet another Women’s History Month, gender justice remains an elusive goal, with full-time women workers in the United States making just 78 cents [3] for every dollar their male counterparts bring in and women representing three-fifths [4] of all minimum wage employees. When race is taken into account, the gulf is even more pronounced [5]. Latina women bring in just 54 percent of what their …

MANUEL GARCÍA, JR.- The Cult of Hillary, the Ultimate Junk Bond

Why do so many black Americans support Hillary Clinton? Stockholm Syndrome. They are faithful battered wives. They are yoked to Hillary by co-dependency: “I’ve stuck by you and suffered to do so for so long that you owe me, and I have faith that you will reward me later if I help you reach your goal now.” In their minds …

RICHARD W. BEHAN – The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other

For twenty four years the Clintons have orchestrated a conjugal relationship with Wall Street, to the immense financial benefit of both parties.   They have accepted from the New York banks $68.72 million in campaign contributions for their six political races, and $8.85 million more in speaking fees.  The banks have earned hundreds of billions of dollars in practices that …

RICK BAUM – During Obama’s Presidency Wealth Inequality has Increased and Poverty Levels are Higher

Troubling and significant statistics produced by the government indicate important facts about our political system and its priorities. Unfortunately, these statistics often get little coverage in the media. What coverage is provided usually only focuses on the current year and might include comparison with the previous year. Two such sets of government statistics cover wealth distribution and poverty. These statistics …