DNC Vice-Chair Resigns, Throws Support Behind Bernie Sanders

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii announced Sunday that she will resign as vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee and endorse Bernie Sanders for president. “I think it’s most important for us, as we look at our choices as to who our next commander in chief will be, is to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who …

Michael Kreiger – Why Hillary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump

This morning, I read a fantastic article by Nathan J. Robinson in Current Affairs titled: Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, a Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency. Several months ago, I would have disagreed with this statement, but today I think it’s entirely accurate. One thing Clinton supporters remain in complete denial about (other than the fact most Americans who don’t identify as Democrats find her …

Martha Rosenberg -The FDA Now Officially Belongs to Big Pharma

It is hard to believe only four senators [3] opposed the confirmation of Robert Califf, who was approved today as the next FDA commissioner. Vocal opponent Bernie Sanders [4] condemned the vote from the campaign trail. But where was Dick Durbin? Where were all the lawmakers who say they care about industry and Wall Street profiteers making money at the expense of public health? Califf, chancellor of …

Kevin Gosztola – Clinton Campaign Relies On Rumors And Dishonesty To Attack Sanders

From misleading voters about what Bernie Sanders would do to their healthcare to creating the perception that Sanders is dishonest about his involvement in the civil rights movement, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has developed a significant record of entirely disingenuous attacks. It is not as if presidential candidates should not attack each others’ records or their positions on key issues. …

Robert Reich – The End of the Establishment?

Step back from the campaign fray for just a moment and consider the enormity of what’s already occurred. A 74-year-old Jew from Vermont who describes himself as a democratic socialist, who wasn’t even a Democrat until recently, has come within a whisker of beating Hillary Clinton in the Iowa caucus, routed her in the New Hampshire primary, and garnered over …

William K. Black – Wall Street’s Message to Young Adults: ‘You Are Clueless’

Wall Street CEOs are very upset with young adults. They believe you are “clueless” and “voting against [your] own interests” when you support Bernie Sanders. A Wall Street CEO took to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to decry the fact that, “Millennials are flocking to Sanders.” It would be cruel to note that one has to be clueless to believe …

Cecilie Harry – Take It from a Dane – Why Bernie Sanders Is Right to Push to Make America More Like Denmark

Bernie Sanders has expressed nothing but praise for the Scandinavian countries. During the first Democratic debate he stated: “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people.” In an interview with ABC News in 2015, Sanders steadfastly stated he wanted the United States to look …

Leid Stories – 02.23.16

Party Favors: The Jesse Jackson-Bernie Sanders Diss-Connection

Four days to the Democratic Party’s fourth primary—this one in South Carolina—and all eyes are on the state’s black vote, which could put Hillary Clinton way ahead of Bernie Sanders on the road to the party’s nomination or validate and broaden the appeal of Sanders’ populist campaign. Either way, the South Carolina primary will be a historic marker, a watershed moment, as it was three decades ago, when the Rev. Jesse Jackson made a long-shot bid for the presidency and found political salvation in the black vote from his home state and support from the then-mayor of Burlington, Vermont. Leid Stories explains the parallels in Jackson’s and Sanders’ presidential bids and the civil-rights leader’s sudden aversion to progressive politics.

Chris Arnade – I worked on Wall Street. I am skeptical Hillary Clinton will rein it in

I owe almost my entire Wall Street career to the Clintons. I am not alone; most bankers owe their careers, and their wealth, to them. Over the last 25 years they – with the Clintons it is never just Bill or Hillary – implemented policies that placed Wall Street at the center of the Democratic economic agenda, turning it from …