JENNIFER MATSUI – It Takes Hillary Clinton to Lead a Global Pillage

You don’t have to be a blinkered Bernie-bot to recognize the toxicity of Hillary Clinton and call her out on it, contrary to the party faithful’s insistence that the widening chasm between ‘Bern and Hill’ (Burn in Hell?) supporters is weakening the chances for a Democratic victory in November. Clinton’s less than stellar (Okay, gloves off . . . *abysmal*) …

Peter Van Buren – Nickel and Dimed in 2016

When presidential candidate Bernie Sanders talks about income inequality, and when other candidates speak about the minimum wage and food stamps, what are they really talking about? Whether they know it or not, it’s something like this. My Working Life Then A few years ago, I wrote about my experience enmeshed in the minimum-wage economy, chronicling the collapse of good people who …

In Fact, Argue Experts, Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Numbers “Do Add Up”

During Thursday night’s Democratic presidential debate, Hillary Clinton criticized Bernie Sanders’ proposal for a “Medicare for All” healthcare program, stating, “the numbers just don’t add up.” “A respected health economist said that these plans would cost a trillion dollars more a year,” Clinton said, likely referring to a recent analysis by Emory University professor Kenneth Thorpe, who helped craft a single-payer …


The ban on video and audio recordings at Sirhan Sirhan’s parole hearing on February 9meant the world depended on the one reporter allowed inside the hearing to tell us what happened. He had to condense “more than three hours of intense testimony” into 854 words. Elliot Spagat’s lively account of the proceeding for the Associated Press omitted one very important document …

Frida Berrigan – Time Spent in Guantánamo Is Time No One Gets Back – Whether Soldier or Prisoner

I love my local paper. The Day is locally owned and based right in downtown New London, Connecticut. They publish an actual, physical newspaper every single day and have a first rate photo department. Their news pages feature a mix of national and international articles from The New York Times and AP wire service stories, as well as locally produced articles of local interest …

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 02.15.16

Founding Fathers vs Current Presidential Candidates

Segment 1: Bruce Kaufmann
Exploring the oddities and ironies of history, and today’s politics and public policy.

Segment 2: The #FeelTheBern phenomenon

1. Christian Hand – rock n roll producer and also on Mark In the Morning on 100.3 The Sound in Los Angeles

2. Joshua Fishman – CEO, We Creative agency; producer of Debate Debate show- live comedy during presidential debates.

3. Jay Ponti – founder of Peacelink Live! producing live and broadcast events for peace and social justice causes. They also do legislative advocacy and coalition building.

Segment 3: Jason Crow on Healthy Living

Leid Stories – 02.15.16

With Justice Scalia’s Death, A Return of ‘Constitutional Originalism’

Election Follies: Hillary, Bernie Seek Salvation in Nevada

The death over the weekend of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has added yet another dimension to the 2016 presidential race: Who will President Barack Obama appoint to replace the right-leaning constitutional originalist? While the president says he will not be rushed or pressured about a nominee, U.S. Supreme Court pundits and congressional pols are already making noises about which ideological camp the prospective nominee should stand call home. John Friedl, professor of political science at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, provides a backgrounder that dispels the myth that the U.S. Supreme Court is apolitical.

Bernie Sanders thought he’d clinched an appearance at Victory Missionary Baptist Church in Las Vegas, ahead of Nevada’s Feb. 20 primary. When he got there, he found Hillary Clinton, civil-rights icon Rep. John Lewis in tow to introduce her. In a commentary, Leid stories says black voters appear not to be safe anywhere.

Ben White – What Clinton said in her paid speechesd

NEW YORK — When Hillary Clinton spoke to Goldman Sachs executives and technology titans at a summit in Arizona in October of 2013, she spoke glowingly of the work the bank was doing raising capital and helping create jobs, according to people who saw her remarks. Clinton, who received $225,000 for her appearance, praised the diversity of Goldman’s workforce and …