Rob Kall – Bernie Didn’t Win New Hampshire. No Joke.

It’s true. Bernie earned 15 delegates by winning 62.5% of the Democratic vote– the bottom up democratic way. But Hillary also received 15 delegates. The difference is, she earned 9 delegates and the undemocratic, top down Democratic Party– provides a system that prevents the people from electing people– enabled her to have six superdelegates. That makes the New Hampshire delegate …

Ari Paul – The F Word: Yes, Donald Trump Is a Fascist, and That Matters

e stoked fears of the white working class by appealing to anti-immigrant sentiment. He mixed that with anger toward the political and economic establishment by pointing to NAFTA as a reason jobs were vanishing. His intolerant rhetoric of non-Christian America was considered so dangerous that in response to one speech a liberal commentator joked that it “probably sounded better in …

JP Sottile – Hillary Clinton’s Pay-for-Play Reality

It was supposed to be a feel-good moment. The Chairman and CEO of the world’s most powerful financial institution dropped by CNBC’s Squawk Box to crow a bit about his recovery from cancer. But it didn’t quite go the way Lloyd Blankfein — or Hillary Clinton — might’ve wanted. First, the recently-minted billionaire boss of Goldman Sachs compared his 600 hours of chemotherapy to dropping “napalm” on …

The Gary Null Show – 02.12.16

Glen Ford is the Executive Editor of the Black Agenda Report, son of the famed disc jokey Rudy “The Deuce” Rutherford, the first Black television host to have a non-gospel radio in the Deep South. In the 1970s he was a correspondent and journalist covering Capitol Hill and the White House for the Mutual Black network, and later hosted the nation’s first syndicated Black news interview program, “America’s Black Forum.” Since then, Glen has been one of the nation’s leading voices in political and social analysis and commentary on current affairs in the African American community. He is also a founding member of the Washington chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists, a board member of the National Alliance of Third World Journalists and is a frequent lecturer on the role of progressive media at universities. His website is Glen’s radio program – The Black Agenda Report – can be heard every Monday at 11:00 am on the Progressive Radio Network

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 02.11.16


We are joined by MIMI KENNEDY, BOB FITRAKIS & ANGELA WATTERS to seek out ways to stop the White House and the rest of our government from again being stolen yet again by election fraud.

The need to verify your own voter registration, to safeguard exit polling, to monitor electronic vote counts and much more are what we discuss here. Mimi from Progressive Democrats of America, Bob from and Angels from Reader Support News fill a completely packed hour on this critical topic.

We cannot afford the thefts of governorships in Wisconsin and Alabama to keep happening, or the thefts of the White House as in 2000 and 2004, and much more to continue to happen.

Get to the core of it in this hour with these great experts. We will continue to work on it as we fight our way to a truly democratic Solartopia the only way we can….with legitimate, reliable democratic elections…..

Stephen Zunes – Hillary the Hawk and her Middle East Policy

Despite being an icon for many liberals and an anathema to the Republican right, former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s positions on the Middle East have more closely resembled those of the latter than the former. Her hawkish views go well beyond her strident support for the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 and subsequent occupation and …

Leslie Eastman – Gloria Steinem (1996): Bernie Sanders is an “Honorary Woman”

It is too bad for the Clintons that the Internet can travel back nearly 20 years! Feminist icons spent the weekend shaming women into voting for Hillary Clinton. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, even smeared supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders as sexist trolls. But video taken 20 years ago show that Vermont’s socialist representative was made an“honorary woman” by feminist luminary Gloria Steinem herself. …

Michelle Alexander – Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote

Hillary Clinton loves black people. And black people love Hillary—or so it seems. Black politicians have lined up in droves to endorse her, eager to prove their loyalty to the Clintons in the hopes that their faithfulness will be remembered and rewarded. Black pastors are opening their church doors, and the Clintons are making themselves comfortably at home once again, …

This Can’t Be Happening – 02.10.16

The morning after Bernie Sanders stunning trouncing of Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, long-time political activist Alfredo Lopez, a member of the news collective, talks with “This Can’t Be Happening” host Dave Lindorff about the Sanders phenomenon, and how the left needs to respond to it.

Robin Scher – Which Countries Are Happiest? Global Survey Suggests Capitalism and Wealth Aren’t Delivering the Goods

What is happiness [3]? This might sound like a question you’d hear come out of Derek Zoolander’s mouth [4]. But seriously, think about it. Is it a matter of perspective, your relationships, a neurological chemical imbalance, or career fulfillment [5]? The more you try to pin down this elusive state of mind, the more achieving a measure for it seems out of reach. Take the movie Hector …