Josh Voorhees – Why Hillary Clinton Won’t Release Her Goldman Sachs Transcripts

Pressed during Thursday’s Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton said that she would “certainly look into” releasing the transcripts of the paid speeches she gave in private to Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street institutions. By Sunday, her promised careful consideration was apparently complete. “Let everybody who’s ever given a speech to any private group under any circumstances release them—we’ll all release …

Sarah Lazare – Dear Hillary, Madeleine and Gloria: Full Feminism Demands We Say No to America’s Deadly Imperial Wars

Two powerful backers of Hillary Clinton attracted headlines—and outrage—this weekend when they uttered sweeping statements under the banner of “feminism,” calling on young women to back the former Secretary of State’s presidential bid. Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of Sate, introduced Clinton in New Hampshire on Saturday by declaring, “There’s a special place in hell …

Zach Carter – Democrats Are Fuming About Hillary Clinton’s ‘Smear’ Line

WASHINGTON — Democrats are fuming over presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s defense of the millions of dollars she made giving speeches to Wall Street. Her latest effort to push back against critics undermines years of Democratic claims about the influence of money in politics, invoking a central tenet of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. In last week’s head-to-head debate with Bernie …

Nature Bats Last – 02.09.16

We were joined this week by journalist, filmmaker, and graphic designer Leighton Woodhouse. His print stories have appeared in Gawker, The New Republic, VICE News, The Nation, Salon, and The Awl, and he has produced short documentaries for The Nation, Story of Stuff, and Participant Media. You can read more at We finished with our customary update about the ongoing climate-change predicament.

Hillary Clinton’s Support for GMOs Confirmed by Gates Foundation

On Friday it was revealed that the global GMO promoters Cornell Alliance for Science, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are giving Hillary Clinton as an example of one of the ‘powerful people‘ who supports GMOs and the Biotech industry worldwide. Hillary Clinton, who is currently in a race with anti-GMO Senator Bernie Sanders to become the Democratic …

Chris Arnade – I worked on Wall Street. I am skeptical Hillary Clinton will rein it in

owe almost my entire Wall Street career to the Clintons. I am not alone; most bankers owe their careers, and their wealth, to them. Over the last 25 years they – with the Clintons it is never just Bill or Hillary – implemented policies that placed Wall Street at the center of the Democratic economic agenda, turning it from a …

Lee Fang – Top Hillary Clinton Advisers and Fundraisers Lobbied Against Obamacare

Hillary Clinton is campaigning as a guardian of President Barack Obama’sprogressive policy accomplishments. In recent weeks, she has called the Affordable Care Act “one of the greatest accomplishments of President Obama, of the Democratic Party, and of our country,” and promised that she is “going to defend Dodd-Frank” and “defend President Obama for taking on Wall Street.” Meanwhile, however, Clinton’s campaign has been relying on a team of strategists and …

Michael Bader – It Is Paul Krugman Who Lives in a Fantasy World, Not Bernie Supporters

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman can’t stand that people are irrational; that working-class conservatives are duped into voting against their own economic interests. In a recent New York Times editorial called “How Change Happens [3],” Krugman complained that liberal Bernie Sanders supporters are hopelessly waiting for the “better angels” in people to rise up and radically change our corrupt institutions. Real change, …

Melvin A. Goodman – The Reality of Robert Gates

Former CIA Director and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who served both Bush administrations as well as the Obama administration, has produced his third self-aggrandizing memoir. His most recent effort, A Passion for Leadership, is in the form of lessons learned, but there is no acknowledgement of any flaw or stumble, let alone mistake. Gates writes, “A leader, or those who …

ELIZA A. WEBB – Hillary Clinton’s Populist Charade

At the 5th Democratic debate Thursday night, Hillary Clinton repeatedly attempted to cloak herself in the cape of a populist hero, claiming she has stood up, time and time again, for those Americans “left behind and left out.” In her own words: “[I’ve got a] record of having fought for racial justice, having fought for kids rights, having fought the …