Leid Stories – 02.02.16

So, What Have We Learned from the Iowa Caucuses?
Leid Stories deconstructs the Iowa caucuses. The first voting event in the 2016 presidential election, it defied predicted outcomes and winnowed the ranks of both Republican and Democratic contenders. But it also confirmed the validity of and need for serious grassroots political movements that challenge the status quo, says Leid Stories.

PAUL STREET – The Iowa Caucus is a Classist and Ageist Farce

In Iowa, as across the nation, lots of people work during the early to middle evening, after the traditional dinner hour. Tow-truck drivers. Nurses’ aides. Nurses. Resident emergency room doctors. EMTs. Hotel receptionists. Cops. Security guards. Second-shift production workers. Custodians. Retail clerks. Waitresses. Dishwashers. Butchers at the grocery store. Chicken-shacklers at poultry-processing plants. English as a Second Language night instructors. …

Donald Trump is a fraud: Report confirms the billionaire’s presidential bid is a long and calculated con job

Everything Trump has done during the campaign is designed to dupe the media into funding his marketing strategy SEAN ILLING Donald Trump’s presidential campaign feels whimsical, like a practical joke or publicity tour gone awry. But it turns out the Donald is running a long con. A newreport in Politico suggests Trump has been plotting this stunt for years, and he …

Countering Clinton’s Super PAC Loot, Sanders Campaign says, “Bernie Doesn’t Want Billionaires’ Money”

As Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton agree to hold four additional debates, the Sanders campaign is seeking to highlight something that sets it apart from other candidates’: it’s raising no money from super PACs. BuzzFeed News first reported Saturday that the two campaigns had agreed in principle to the additional debates if they are sanctioned by the DNC: Both sides, still in separate …

Adam Johnson – Media Attacking Single-Payer Are Getting Paid Under Current Health System

With the first nomination contest only two days away, the corporate media reaction to Bernie Sanders’ surprisingly strong campaign, while not reaching Jeremy Corbyn-level hysteria, has reached a noticeable panic—one marked by let’s-not-upset-the-base qualified criticism and exquisitely curated concern-trolling. The most cynical argument being advanced is that Sanders’ support for a single-payer health program is a pie-in-the-sky fantasy, in contrast to the …

Corporate Crime Runs Rampant Thanks to ‘Rigged’ System: Elizabeth Warren

“Corporate criminals routinely escape meaningful prosecution for their misconduct.” This is the damning verdict of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) report released Friday, Rigged Justice: How Weak Enforcement Lets Corporate Offenders Off Easy(pdf). “Justice cannot mean a prison sentence for a teenager who steals a car, but nothing more than a sideways glance at a C.E.O. who quietly engineers the theft of …

Rob Hager – The Top Nine Developments that Defined the Struggle between Democracy and Plutocracy in 2015

January 30, 1976 is to plutocracy in the United States what July 4, 1776 was to its democracy. The fortieth anniversary of Buckley v Valeo, the 1976 Supreme Court decision that legalized systemic political corruption and fraud, presents an opportunity to assess its continuing impact. The importance of the decision will be known to those who have successfully tracked the telltale …

Jim Hightower – While soldiers who go to war risk death, the big corporations that go to war reap perpetual profits.

War is hell. Unless, of course, you happen to be a global corporate peddler of rockets, drones, bombs, and all the other hellish weaponry of military conflict. In that case, war is manna from hell. So bring it on. Indeed, it seems as if Beelzebub himself is in charge these days, with U.S. military forces enmeshed in at least 135 countries in …

DAVID SIROTA – Hillary Clinton Gets $13 Million From Health Industry, Now Says Single-Payer Will “Never, Ever Come To Pass”

Closing out her Iowa campaign, Hillary Clinton on Friday declared that the Medicare-for-all proposal pushed by her Democratic primary opponent and many liberal groups will “never, ever come to pass.” The statement came weeks after a new poll showed most Americans support the idea. Her declaration was a reversal of her position two decades ago — which came before she received millions of dollars of campaign cash from …

RALPH NADER – Hillary’s Corporate Democrats Taking Down Bernie Sanders

Before announcing for President in the Democratic Primaries, Bernie Sanders told the people he would not run as an Independent and be like Nader—invoking the politically-bigoted words “being a spoiler.” Well, the spoiled corporate Democrats in Congress and their consultants are mounting a “stop Bernie campaign.” They believe he’ll “spoil” their election prospects. Sorry Bernie, because anybody who challenges the …