Lydia Wheeler and Tim Devaney – Obama eyes ‘audacious’ use of executive power in final year

President Obama’s pledge to pursue “audacious” executive action during his final year in office is stirring a frenzy of speculation about what he might have up his sleeve. White House chief of staff Denis McDonough this week said “audacious” executive actions on tap for 2016 are being carefully crafted to “make sure the steps we have taken are ones we can …

Robert Scheer – Hillary Blames Bernie for an Old Clintonite Hustle, and That’s a Rotten Shame

The Clintons have no shame, that much you can count on. That stupefying arrogance was on full display in the most recent presidential campaign debate when Hillary Clinton countered Bernie Sanders’ charge that she was compromised by her close ties to Goldman Sachs and other rapacious Wall Street interests with the retort: “Sen. Sanders, you’re the only one on this …

Steve Weissman – Hillary’s No Neocon. She’s Far More Dangerous

ack in September 2013, well before Bernie Sanders decided to run for president, the liberal journalist Peter Beinart called attention to the leftward swing among Democratic Party voters, marked by Elizabeth Warren’s popularity and Bill de Blasio’s victory in the Democratic primary for mayor of New York City. More to the point, Beinart explicitly challenged Hillary Clinton to move left …

4 of the Most Commonly Prescribed Drugs That May Be a Lot More Risky Than Pharma Is Letting On

They are so common no one thinks twice about them: drug ads that tell you about a disease you might have, a pill that could treat it, and tell you to “ask your doctor” if the pill is right for you. Until 1997, such direct-to-consumer ads did not exist because without a doctor’s recommendation, how could people know if the …

Emily Peck – The 62 Richest People On Earth Now Hold As Much Wealth As The Poorest 3.5 Billion

All the money in the world is growing ever more concentrated in the hands of just a few people, a report released Sunday night makes clear. Just 62 ultra-rich individuals — a list that is primarily made up of men and includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, the Koch Brothers and the Walmart heirs — have as much wealth as the bottom …

Scott Galindez – Hillarycare Won’t Cover Everyone, Berniecare Will

hile Hillary Clinton has made statements in the past in support of single-payer health care, she has never proposed it. Even in 1993, when she chaired Bill Clinton’s special commission on “universal” health care, she didn’t propose a plan that would have covered everyone. Like Obamacare, it had a mandate that said everyone has to buy into a private plan. …

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 01.18.16

Simon on Clinton-Sanders Debate

NDN – New Democrat Network.Simon Rosenberg is President and founder of NDN, a leading, center-left think tank in Washington, DC. Rosenberg, a veteran of two presidential campaigns, including the 1992 Clinton War Room, got his start as a writer and producer in network television. He is a leading political thinker and commentator with a unique ability to identify important trends and decipher changes transforming American politics well before others.

Resistance Radio – Brian Ertz – 01.17.16

Brian Ertz is board president of Wildlands Defense. He has spent the last decade resisting this culture’s depraved relationship to the natural world via grassroots organizing, national media initiatives, administrative and legislative policy advocacy, and in support of a variety of litigation efforts aimed at preserving a wide variety of landscapes and wildlife species in the West. Today we talk about the armed right wing occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

Face It: A Vote for Hillary Clinton Is a Vote for War

Can we please stop kidding ourselves that the likely Democratic candidate is different from most of her would-be Republican rivals? Less than a week out from the next Democratic debate—and less than a month from the Iowa caucuses—it’s time for all of us to acknowledge what is plainly true: A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for war. Liberals …

Leid Stories – 01.14.16

Fade to Blacks: Clinton, Sanders Troll for Black Votes in Early Primaries
As the 2016 presidential race kicks into gear with early primaries, so does the mad dash for votes. For Republican and Democratic candidates, South Carolina is a critical proving ground. GOP hopefuls will face off in a two-tiered Q&A session—their sixth so-called “debates”—tonight at the North Charleston Coliseum and Performing Arts Center. The Democrats will have their slugfest, their fourth, in Charleston on the 17th, but they’ve ramped up their presence and are aggressively trolling for votes—black votes, specifically—in this historically Democratic stronghold. Leid Stories expands on a previous commentary on the significance of South Carolina’s black vote.