Eoin Higgins – Why Sanders Will Not be the Democratic Nominee, No Matter What Happens in the Primaries

If you think Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic nominee for President in 2016, you’re out of your mind. There is no way the Democratic Party will allow that to happen, for two main reasons. First, this is Hillary’s turn to be the nominee. And although that’s pretty distasteful for many of Bernie’ supporters, it’s the truth and has been …

STEVE HORN – “Miracle of American Oil”: Continental Resources Courted Corporate Media to Sell Oil Exports

A document published by the Public Relations Society of America, discovered by DeSmog, reveals that from the onset of its public relations campaign, the oil industry courted mainstream media reporters to help it sell the idea of lifting the ban on crude oil exports to the American public and policymakers. Calling its campaign the “Miracle of American Oil,” the successfulPR effort to push for Congress and the …

PAUL ROSENBERG – Is Hillary Clinton a neoconservative hawk? What Iraq and Libya decisions tell us about her foreign policy

Two election cycles after losing the Democratic Party nomination because of her Iraq War vote, Hillary Clinton finally seems to have put it behind her. In fact, with the latest wave of ISIS hysteria, her hawkishness is seen by some as a plus. At the same time, striking a balance, a good case can be made that, though she did …

BRYCE COVERT – $250,000 a Year Is Not Middle Class

HILLARY CLINTON has vowed not to raise taxes on the middle class. It’s a pledge that has worked well for others on the campaign trail before her, a resonant assurance to voters who saw themselves as middle class or aspired to be. But it’s a bad promise. Mrs. Clinton is using a definition of middle class that has long been …

TOM BOGGIONI – Sanders campaign hints ‘hacker’ who accessed Clinton data may have been a DNC plant

In an interview with Yahoo Politics, an adviser to the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders hinted that the data breach that resulted in the campaign losing access to the DNC servers may have been the result of a employee planted in the campaign by the DNC. Following the controversy that saw Sanders staffers blocked from accessing some of their own voter data …

SIMON MALOY – The GOP’s bleak demographic destiny: How to win the White House when all your voters are dying

A big part of what made the 2012 election so much fun was the fact that Mitt Romney and pretty much every Republican and conservative who supported his candidacy were utterly and unshakably confident that they had the election in the bag. Gallup and Rasmussen had Romney up, the campaign’s internal polling said Mitt was going to win, and all …

Sanders Blasts US Mass Incarceration as ‘International Embarrassment

In a speech that included an overt jab at embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders decried the U.S. incarceration rate as an “international embarrassment” and said he considers “reforming our broken criminal justice system one of the most important things that a president of the United States can do.” During his quick stop on Chicago’s west side, Sanders outlined …

Chris Hedges – The Illusion of Freedom

ations is unassailable. Who funds and manages our elections? Who writes our legislation and laws? Who determines our defense policies and vast military expenditures? Who is in charge of the Department of the Interior? The Department of Homeland Security? Our intelligence agencies? The Department of Agriculture? The Food and Drug Administration? The Department of Labor? The Federal Reserve? The mass …

John Halle – Clinton Lies (Again)

The relatively small number who watched the previous Democratic debate will recall that much of the subsequent discussion revolved around who won: whether the on line polls indicating a massive Sanders victory should be taken as decisive , or whether the verdict of the large majority of pundits that Clinton acquitted herself impressively was a better guide to the likely outcome. This, I …

Leid Stories – 12.22.15

After Republican, Democratic ‘Debates,’ A Political Roundup
Five Republican and three Democratic “debates” have winnowed the ranks of 2016 presidential contenders but sharpened political differences between the two main political parties and candidates running under their banners. Having just completed their most recent round four days apart in December and with a showdown in South Carolina looming in January (on Jan. 14 and 17, respectively) Republicans and Democrats have ratcheted up the rhetoric, looking for victory at the polls any way they can get it. Leid Stories probes listeners’ opinions of the new lows in American politics.