Backing MSF, Human Rights Watch Says US Must Consent to War Crimes Probe

There is “strong” evidence that the U.S. military attack on a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan two months ago constituted a criminal act, and should be investigated as such, Human Rights Watch said Monday in a letter to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter(pdf). “The attack on the MSF hospital in Kunduz involved possible war crimes,” said the …

Leid Stories – 12.21.15

The Democratic Debacle: Debating the Not-Debate
Leid Stories and listeners deconstruct the third Q&A session with the three remaining Democratic candidates vying for the presidential nomination in 2016. The so-called “debate,” hosted by ABC News, was held Dec. 19 at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire.

Bill Moyers – Bad News for Democracy Is Great News for TV Profits

Television news has gone off its rocker and turned our politics into the equivalent of a freak show’s hall of mirrors. The networks have grasped Donald Trump to their collective bosom like the winner of one of those misogynistic, televised beauty pageants he owns. Each pronouncement from the Sultan of Slur is treated as epic, no matter how deeply insulting, …

Ryan Grim – Why The Democratic Party’s Move Against Bernie Sanders Could Backfire

In the third Democratic presidential primary debate Saturday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) apologized to his supporters and to Hillary Clinton for his campaign’s accessing of her proprietary voter data earlier in the week. But Sanders’ apology overshadowed an attack he leveled just seconds earlier at Clinton and the Democratic National Committee for their handling of the situation. “It bothers me …

David Dayen – Why Are Drug Monopolies Running Amok?

One of the biggest policy debates in America today concerns the unparalleled rise in prescription drug costs. Enormous pharmaceutical industry profit margins; tales of companies like Turing, Valeant, and Gilead Sciences jacking up the price of life-saving medicines; and a spate of industry mergers (the latest being a $150 billion deal between Pfizer and Allergan, designed mostly to lower their …

The Gary Null Show – 12.16.15

Dr. Christine Horner is a nationally recognized surgeon, complementary physician, author and a vocal advocate for natural approaches to women’s health. She was instrumental in the passing of a national bill signed by President Clinton that required insurance companies to pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. She writes columns for the Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine and Wellbella, and her writings are featured in dozens of women’s magazines. She has received numerous awards for her work in promoting alternative medical approaches to health. Her groundbreaking book on natural approaches to preventing and treating breast cancer through diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements is “Waking the Warrior Goddess: Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer,” which received the Independent Publisher Best Book Award of the Year for Health, Medicine and Nutrition. Her website is DrChristineHorner. com

Clinton Tops List of Arms Company Donations

illary Clinton has received more money from arms and military service companies than any other candidate during the 2016 presidential campaign, data from Open Secrets shows. All but one of the world’s 10 biggest arms producers have contributed to Clinton’s previous campaigns, giving her — along with the top Republican receiver Ted Cruz — a significant margin over the other …

Kali Holloway – Where Does Your City Rank? The Most Liberal—and Conservative—Cities Around the Country

Remember when Sarah Palin said she [3] loved to visit “the real America”—as if there are parts of the country that are less authentically American than others? A more articulate person might’ve said she preferred visiting the more conservative swaths of the country to the liberal ones. It’s still a politically unwise admission, but unwise is pretty much Palin’s middle name. In any …

Project Censored – 12.15.15

David Talbot’s latest book, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, examines the post-WWII U.S. intelligence sector and the power it wields, by following the career of Wall Street lawyer, diplomat and spymaster Allen Dulles. Talbot discussed his new book with fellow author Peter Dale Scott, in a public event at the Mechanics’ Institute Library in San Francisco on December 2, 2015. Talbot says he believes CIA assassins were responsible for the death of John F. Kennedy.

David Talbot founded the website He was an editor at Mother Jones magazine, and he’s written for Rolling Stone, the New Yorker and other publications. His earlier books include Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years.

Peter Dale Scott is a retired Canadian diplomat, professor emeritus of English at UC Berkeley, and a prolific author. His most recent book is The American Deep State: Wall Street, Big Oil, and the Attack on U.S. Democracy. He writes extensively about the “deep state,” a de facto government that exists beneath the elected one.

Dave Johnson – Don’t Be Misled; The TPP Is Still Coming Full Steam

Recently there have been news reports that Republicans are going to delay TPP until after the 2016 elections. Do not be misled; this is a bargaining ploy. They want the Obama administration to make “side agreements” that give corporations even more. We have to keep up the fight, and keep getting the word out. People opposed to the Trans-Pacific Partnership …