Andrea Germanos – New Lawsuit Challenges Effort to Stamp Out African-American Vote in NC

With just over a week to go before Election Day, the North Carolina NAACP on Monday filed a lawsuit to stop what it describes as a Republican-led effort to snuff out the African-American vote. “This is our Selma and we will not back down and allow this suppression to continue,” said Rev. William Barber II, president of the organization. According …

Jeffrey Jaxen – WIKILEAKS RELEASES: A Vote for Clinton is a Vote for Big Pharma & Mandatory Vaccination

Clinton has never been one to shy away from big corporate money to serve as the lifeblood of her campaign momentum. Despite Clinton’s proclamation that she’s proud to call the pharmaceutical industry her enemy, her campaign has led the pack receiving the most pharmaceutical, corporate and individual contributions. Hillary Clinton has made little attempt to play politics or engage in double …

Leid Stories—The ‘Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy’ Had Called It Early on the Clintons; New Bombshells on the Clinton Foundation’s Charity Fraud —11.01.16

Back in 1998, when Bill Clinton was into his second term as president, Hillary Clinton famously blamed a “vast, right-wing conspiracy” for propagating a series of scandals that were meant to tarnish the sterling reputations and characters of the White House’s two main occupants and turn the people against them. The Clintons still profess this to be true, pointing to a torrent of unflattering, even sensational, headlines and news coverage they’ve had to endure. But they always could depend on the mainstream media to blunt harsh criticism.

Florence Low – Law to cut sex-selective abortions in Armenia ‘putting lives at risk’

A new law designed to cut the high rate of sex-selective abortions in Armenia is inadequate, limiting women’s reproductive choices and putting lives at risk, according to women’s rights groups. The ex-Soviet country, with a population of just under 3 million, has the third highest rate of abortion of female foetuses in the world, behind China and Azerbaijan. Read more

George Lakey – Why Campaigns, Not Protests, Get The Goods

After the election there will be many things to protest, no matter who wins. This is the time to figure out how to amplify our power and maximize the chance of winning victories. To do that, we can start by freeing up the energy devoted to one-off protests, rallies and demonstrations. When I look back on the one-off protests I’ve …

Leid Stories—Dr. Gerald Horne’s Radical Guide to Understanding Election 2016 and What’s Next—10.31.16

Election 2016, with its constant and dramatic twists and turns, is one of the most contentious elections in U.S. history. Nov. 8, Election Day, will not bring an end to the drama; it will only be a marker for a fresh start to political mayhem and turmoil.

The Gary Null Show – 10.31.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with a new study on the heart, the best ways to mange stress in your life. Gary also gives a power commentary from Chris Hedges. Before going to his guest Gary plays some audio clips from Jill Stein, and Clinton’s rigging. In the second half of the program Gary talks with David Cobb on Why more attention and support should be given to the Green Party and its platform for radical social and economic change. David Cobb is an American activist and attorney who is Campaign Manager for Dr. Jill Stein’s presidential run with the Green Party. During the 2004 election cycle, David was the Green Party’s presidential candidate. He is the co-founder of Move to Amend, a political organization seeking to curtail corporate power and end corporate personhood via a Constitutional amendment. David received his law degree from the University of Houston Law School and is currently a Board member of the Green Institute and the Sierra Club’s national corporate accountability committee. In the 1980s he campaigned for Jesse Jackson and Jerry Brown, but became disenchanted with the Democratic Party and left the party. In 2000, he had organized Ralph Nader’s Texas campaign and eventually became the Green Party’s national General Counsel. Listeners can get more info on Jill Stein and the Green Party platform at and