Leid Stories—Election 2016: Debating the ‘Debate’ and Other Sordid Political Matters—10.20.16

The Q&A sessions with the duopoly’s presidential contenders mercifully came to an end last night at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. The third and final joust was a big show, playing to a packed auditorium and a record-setting 84 million people who watched it live.

Paul Buchheit – What the Narcissists Have Done to Our Jobs and Health

When Donald Trump blurted out that not paying his taxes “makes me smart,” he was revealing a truth about the American narcissist. Senator Lindsey Graham was being equally arrogant when he stated, “It’s really American to avoid paying taxes, legally…It’s a game we play.” The game has become very popular, with an incomprehensible three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies stashing profits …

Leid Stories—Busted! Leaked Docs Show Clinton Foundation Confessing to Fraud; Post-Hurricane Matthew, Haitians Suspicious About What Comes with ‘Aid’—10.19.16

Charles Ortel, the acknowledged expert on the shady operations and financial dealings of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and its multiple offshoots, discusses documents released yesterday by WikiLeaks that appear to confirm that Clinton Foundation executives, including the Clintons, were well aware they were committing fraud.

TOM PHILPOTT – Hillary Clinton Is in Thrall to America’s Yogurt Overlord

As I reported last month, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton draws broad financial support from the food and agriculture industries, including the fast-growing organic-foods sector. The latest WikiLeaks dump of Democratic Party emails shows that one prominent Big Organic player gets his emails answered by Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. WikiLeaks has posted a searchable database of what are purported to …

Kelly Brogan, M.D. – Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation

I love dancing, so I wasn’t too weirded out when we were asked, in one of my first kundalini classes to dance like no one was watching to some loud bhangra music. What really tweaked me (and likely most newbies in the class) was when the teacher turned the music down and asked us to take a stranger’s hands, face …

Leid Stories—As Election 2016 Nears End, A Listener ‘Poll’ About the Political Process and the Future —10.18.16

Leid Stories “polls” listeners’ views about Election 2016, which, after tomorrow’s final “debate” will mercifully soon come to an end—only to begin a new chapter of political mayhem and misfortune?

PAUL STREET – The Ruling Class’s Hatred of Trump is Different Than Yours

Much, maybe most, of the nation’s corporate, financial, and imperial establishment loathes Donald Trump. When’s the last time one of the corporate media’s presidential debate moderators actually argue with one of the two major party presidential contenders, as did the wealthy ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz (enraged by Trump’s lack of enthusiasm for a United States military confrontation with Russia in Syria) last Sunday?

ERIC ZUESSE – Hillary’s Secret Speeches to Corporate Lobbyists & CEOs

Wikileaks has recently released what the press refers to as Hillary Clinton’s paid secret speeches to corporations, but that’s a gross mischaracterization of the Wikileaks data-dump, because not a single one of her at least 91 paid secret speeches has been released anywhere. Only excerpts, brief quotations from them, have been released.

Meditations and Molotovs – 10.17.16

Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the U.S. and Donald Trump will be in the media even more than he is today (recent reports have him starting his own cable channel – we’ll see). His supporters, emboldened but disorganized, will remain.
But where does that leave the rest of us? What should we expect from a Clinton presidency? And how will activists, particularly the millions who were mobilized for Sanders, respond?