Juan Cole – “This Parrot is no More”: The 2016 Presidential Election did not Take Place

The French sociologist and philosopher Jean Baudrillard wrote a book in 1991 entitled The Gulf War Did Not Take Place. In the same way, the 2016 presidential election did not take place. Baudrillard did not mean to say, of course, that no war was prosecuted by the US and its allies, positioned in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, against the …

Jack Rasmus – Hillary’s Ghosts

On the eve of the first presidential debate, concern is growing among Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton supporters that her previous lead in the polls is narrowing and Republican rival Donald Trump is nearly "neck and neck" in voter support in key "swing states." In what are two of the three ‘bellweather’ states—Ohio and Florida (the other is Pennsylvania)—Trump appears ahead going …

ANDREW LEVINE – America’s New Demons and the Second Coming of the Neocons

The horror of a Clinton v. Trump election is making everybody who pays attention a little crazy. Not paying attention isn’t easy – not with everybody hooked into social (actually anti-social) media and with“ news” and commentary coming from every direction. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.In the midst of it all, the American propaganda system, the one that supposedly doesn’t exist, …

Paul Craig Roberts – Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse

The latest from the Gallup Poll is that only 32% of Amerians trust the print and TV media to tell the truth. http://www.gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx   Republicans, 18 to 49 year old Americans, and independents trust the media even less, with trust rates of 14%, 26%, and 30%. The only group that can produce a majority that still trusts the media are Democrats with …

Which Democrat Should Replace Hillary?

Suppose the unthinkable took place, and Hillary Clinton was forced for health reasons to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee. Who do Democrats think should take her place? The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely Democratic Voters believe Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s primary rival, should be their party’s nominee if health …

VINCENT EMANUELE – The Riots Will Continue

100 Years of Riots In 1917, white supremacists, the National Guard and the St. Louis Police killed an estimated 150-200 blacks in what is commonly referred to as the “East St. Louis Massacre.” Much like St. Louis, Chicago was an up-and-coming industrial city that was experiencing massive demographic shifts as a result of the “Great Migration” north at the beginning …

VINCENT EMANUELE – Liberal Antiwar Activism is the Problem

Every election season, veterans and their families are used as political pawns. During the Democratic National Convention in Philly, the Khans, the mother and father of a Marine Captain who was killed in Iraq, conveniently filled the role for Hillary Clinton and the Neoliberals. At the Republican National Convention, Patricia Smith gladly took the stage for the Neofascists and talked …

Leid Stories—Haiti’s Catastrophic 2010 Earthquake A Seismic Boost to the Clintons’ Political Ambitions—09.27.16

Americans continue to hold the view, according to major polls, that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is “untrustworthy.” Most Haitians—in the United States, Haiti and the Haitian diaspora—would say that characterization is an understatement. For, Hillary and husband Bill have done Haiti grievous wrongs, they’d say, and have done grievous wrongs in Haiti.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Trump vs. Hillary: “If Hillary gets into the Oval Office, I Predict Nuclear War before her First term is Over”

The US presidential election this November will tell whether a majority of the US population is irredeemably stupid.  If voters elect Hillary, we will know that Americans are stupid beyond redemption. We don’t know much about Trump, and anti-Trump propaganda rules in the place of facts. But we know many facts about Hillary.  We know about her violation of classification …