GARY LEUPP – Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Against Russia

George H. W. Bush’s unsurprising support for Hillary Clinton strengthens the alliance of careful, conniving warmongers (including both neocon and “liberal interventionist” camps), admiring former generals,  middle and upper-class “Clinton Coalition” African-Americans (including clerics and TV commentators like MSNBC’s awful anchor/DNC shill Joy Reid snarling first about Bernie as much as Trump, and now trashing Putin along with Trump), Wall …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.22.16

ELECTION THEFT is once again our topic as we’re joined by BOB FITRAKIS, JON SIMON and presidential candidate ROCKY DE LA FUENTE. Rocky is on the ballot in more than 20 states and has been waging a powerful campaign for the presidency which has been completely ignored by the corporate mainstream media.  He brings us fascinating tales of attempting to …

PEPE ESCOBAR – Les Deplorables

Perplexed global public opinion holds its breath at the (circus) best American “democracy” is able to conjure. The first cage match this coming Monday between a Queen of War profiting from a mighty (Clinton) Cash Machine and a billionaire uber-narcissist adored by a “basket of deplorables”. This is a circus quite fitting for a self-described “indispensable nation” where “evil” has been propelled – seriously – to the …

Michael Shedlock – Most Dangerous Person On the Planet Today: Hillary Clinton

On Monday, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of giving “aid and comfort” to Islamic terrorists, and that terrorists use his rhetoric to recruit fighters. On fighting terrorism, she chastised Trump “I Know How to Do This“. “I’m the only candidate in this race who’s been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield. I have sat at …

Adele M. Stan – 12 Ways Gary Johnson Is a Hardcore Right-Wing Radical

A recent NBC News/Quinnipiac poll reveals that more than a quarter [3] of young voters—many who had supported the presidential bid of Sen. Bernie Sanders—plan to cast their presidential ballots for Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson. Democrats are increasingly nervous that Johnson’s candidacy could pull more voters from Hillary Clinton than from her Republican rival, Donald Trump, especially in key states like Colorado …

Leid Stories—Obama Leaves and Shuts the Door on Police ‘Reforms’; The Clinton-Trump ‘Debate’ Won’t Fix the Fix We’re In—09.26.16

The first of three Q&A sessions (they’re not “debates”) between the duopoly’s presidential candidates takes place tonight at Hofstra University in New York. It’s being hyped like the Muhammad Ali-George Forman superfight of 1974 in Kinshasa, Zaire, but neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump comes to the bout as a true people’s champion; polls consistently show them to be despised and distrusted by voters.

DAVID ATKINS – Why Millennials Don’t Like Clinton—And What She Can Do About It

Hillary Clinton has long struggled with younger voters, but the problem now threatens to cost her the election. Clinton’s address to millennials this week underscored her awareness of how crucial they are to her chances in November. But her support from voters ages 18 to 35 has declined by double digits since August, raising an urgent question for Democrats: Why are millennial voters so …

William Dunkerley – Proof of Clinton Complicity in Russia Mess Discovered in NY Times Archives

There has been a plethora of stories in the New York Times that cast Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin in a very negative light. So it was with great interest that I saw recently a 1998 article that explained how the US-Russia relationship was headed for serious trouble. It even prophesized the dire straits the two countries find themselves in today. …

Justin Gardner – No Medical Value? US Govt Has Been Funding This Israeli Cannabis Researcher For 50 Years

As many Americans approach November 4 with a sense of dread, facing the fact that either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will be the next president, much more hopeful things will be going on that day. Residents in at least nine states will be voting on ballot initiatives to legalize recreational or medical cannabis use. Considering the tide of public …


It has been and continues to be an interesting week for Wells Fargo, with widespread coverage from mainstream news outlets; John Stumpf, Wells Fargo’s CEO, going before Congress on September 20; and a $185 million settlement announced with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Interesting, then, that despite all of the monies paid in fines to the CFPB, Wells Fargo still …