Leid Stories—Bad Medicine, Big Money: Bombshell Congressional Report Says Clinton Foundation-Foreign Pharma ‘Charity’ Partnership Made Millions Giving Poor HIV/AIDS Patients ‘Watered Down’ Drugs—09.21.16

A blistering, just-concluded congressional report on the operations of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)—the highest-revenue-generating project of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that was spun off as its own nonprofit in 2010—charges that the former president’s much-vaunted global HIV/AIDS relief program distributed “watered down” and “adulterated” medications to patients in sub-Saharan Africa and in cash-strapped countries where …

Meria Heller – Jim Fetzer – 09.18.16

Roaring Truth with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Suing Saudi Arabia for 9/11 – Obama to veto bill;9/11 and the Jersey girls;9/11 “Commission”; America nuked on 9/11; the twin towers;Bldg 7-classic demolition;dust samples-radioactive elements;radiation illnesses;Christie Whitmans apology 15 yrs later;John ONeill & Bin Laden;the 47 core columns excluded from movies;Jill Stein on 9/11;Lincoln to JFK to 9/11 cover ups;Trump; Hillary’s double? Will the election be called off? Will Hillary be replaced? clones; the film “Bananas”; Hussein’s doubles;Putin’s favorite chauffeur murdered and lots more.

Global Alert News – 09.17.16

The day is rapidly coming when countless members of our society will be forced to face the fact that they have been living in a delusional reality. So many will soon be forced to face the fact that they, themselves, have been a part of the tyranny, whether actively or passively, by fully supporting the system that has painted us …

ERIC ZUESSE – US Public Don’t Care If Politicians Lie

To say that a voter cares whether or not a given politician is a liar, is to say that even if the politician is of that voter’s own political party, the voter will reject the politician for being a liar. In the United States, most voters are either Democratic or Republican; and, for example, Republicans accept George W. Bush (he left office in 2009 …

Leid Stories—The Clinton Global Initiative, Under Heavy Fire, Prepares for Shutdown—Though, More Likely, A Shift—09.15.16

The Clinton Global Initiative, the jewel in the crown of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation described as an incubator of ideas for tackling major issues and problems all over the world, officially will shut down after its last annual meeting (Sept. 19-21) in Manhattan.

Dady Chery – I, Hillary Rodham Clinton: Haiti’s Pay-to-Play IHRC

From its inception, and well before it made $10 billion of earthquake aid money disappear, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) was a vicious joke on Haitians. The original name, Commission Intérimaire pour la Reconstruction d’Haïti, should have been simply translated as Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti. After all, it was the commission that was …

Sleepwalking into a big war

As the US presidential race approaches its climax and European officials ponder the implications of the UK’s Brexit vote, public discussion of security affairs is largely confined to strategies for combating international terrorism. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are trying to persuade voters of their superior qualifications to lead this battle, while European leaders scramble to bolster their countries’ defences …

Leid Stories—Election 2016: What’s Shaping/Shaped Your Political Choice? (Part 3)—09.14.16

It’s the third day of “polling” listeners’ attitudes about the 2016 presidential race, the issues driving it, and the combined effect on individual political decisions on Election Day and beyond.

The topic has generated vigorous discussion and more calls than could be accommodated in a single program. Hence, Leid Stories proudly presents Day 3 of peer-to-peer political science.

Stanley L Cohen – Harder times for Palestine if Clinton wins US election

Have the Palestinians ever faced a worse American electoral season? A sociopathic, New York “strong-man” narcissist versus a neo-liberal Zionist: whoever succeeds – and anything can happen this time – we know it won’t be good for Palestine. Both candidates gave almost identical speeches to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) convention this spring. The temptation is to think Republican Donald Trump – …

Tyler Durden – CBS Caught Editing Clip, Transcript In Which Bill Clinton Says Hillary Fainted “Frequently”

For the latest example why much of the US population has lost trust in the mainstream media, consider today’s snafu in which CBS News was caught editing a video clip and transcript to remove a Bill Clinton comment that Hillary Clinton “frequently” fainted in the past. Bill Clinton sat down with CBS’s Charlie Rose on Monday to try to clear …