Trends This Week – Prestitutes take over The Presidential Reality Show – 09.14.16

Coverage of Hillary Clinton’s “cough,” Donald Trump’s tweets and Matt Lauer’s widely-slammed handling of separate prime-time forums with the presidential candidates hammers home just how clueless and gutless the media are in holding these candidates accountable. The presstitutes have not the will, skill or stomach to ask real questions or demand real answers. The race is a reality show and the media are carnival barkers.

ERIC DRAITSER – Hillary Clinton and the Russian Specter

General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you recall what Clemenceau once said about war? Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No, I don’t think I do, sir, no. General Jack D. Ripper: He said war was too important to be left to the generals. When he said that, 50 years ago, he might have been right. But today, war is too important …

Aviva Chomsky – Is Trump an Aberration?

Liberal Americans like to think of Donald Trump as an aberration and believe that his idea of building a great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent immigrants from entering the country goes against American values. After all, as Hillary Clinton says, “We are a nation of immigrants.” In certain ways, in terms of the grim history of this country, they couldn’t be …

WILLS ROBINSON – Former DNC chairman says Democrats must find Hillary’s successor NOW in case pneumonia forces her out of the presidential race

Democratic National Committee bylaws would come into play The DNC’s guidelines state that, if Clinton was to drop out, it would have to be completely her choice. If she confirmed she was stepping aside, senior party officials would hold an emergency meeting. A vote would then be organized among members, with the new name on the ticket having to be elected …

JOEL S. HIRSCHHORN – Welcome to Your Delusional Democracy

For some years I have used the term “delusional democracy” to describe the condition of the US.  It seemed obvious to me that the vast majority of Americans have deliberately chosen to fool themselves.  They have been brainwashed to believe what no longer is true.  Become convinced that you do not live in a true and terrific democracy, or that …

The Infectious Myth – Charles Ortel on the Clinton Foundation – 09.13.16

In episode 115 David interviews Charles Ortel, an investment researcher, who has called the Clinton Foundation a giant financial scam. He claims that the financial reports of the organization are not transparent, and his research supports the idea that donors to the foundation are doing it in order to get political favors, not because they want to solve the problems of AIDS, poverty or climate change. And, in fact, his research shows that not much of the money raised is actually going into programs or being transferred to other charities that have real programs. Welcome to this murky world.

Leid Stories—Election 2016: What’s Shaping/Shaped Your Political Choice? (Part 2)—09.13.16

An avalanche of calls from listeners wanting to participate in yesterday’s discussion leads to Part 2 today. Leid Stories returns to our “poll” tracking attitudes about the 2016 presidential election, the issues driving it, and the combined effect on individual political decisions on Election Day and beyond.

76% Want Four-Person Debates, Why Are Establishment Elites Preventing It; We Are Calling for People to Occupy the Debates

A recent USA Today poll found 76% of voters want debates with four candidates including not just the two most hated candidates in history, the Republican and Democratic nominees and their vice presidential running mates, but Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka of the Greens, and Gary Johnson and Bill Weld of the Libertarians. Any candidate on enough ballots to achieve 270 electoral …

Oliver Renick, Joseph Ciolli – Clinton Health Another Land Mine for Suddenly Vulnerable Markets

Investors nursing wounds after the worst selloff in three months for equity and debt markets got another stress to ponder after concerns over Hillary Clinton’s health flared anew. The 68-year-old Democratic presidential nominee, whose polling edge over Donald Trump has soothed traders who fear ruptures to U.S. policy and see virtue in political gridlock, is suffering from pneumonia and became overheated and dehydrated during a Sept. …

Chris Hedges – Fooled Again

The naive hopes of Bernie Sanders’ supporters—to build a grass-roots political movement, change the Democratic Party from within and push Hillary Clinton to the left—have failed. Clinton, aware that the liberal class and the left are not going to mount genuine resistance, is running as Mitt Romney in drag. The corporate elites across the political spectrum, Republican and Democrat, have …