James Grundvig – The Militarization of the CDC Zika, Money, Quarantine Power

In yet another end-round play by the Obama Administration, on Friday of Labor Day weekend where hot topics are dumped (Hillary Clinton’s email interview with the FBI) to go die before the next news cycle begins, it was announced that $300 million in “public health emergency” funding was earmarked for Japan’s Takeda to manufacture a new Zika vaccine. No need …

Eric Draitser – Russia Won’t Hack US Voting Machines, That’s America’s Job

With the Democratic National Convention in high gear, the corporate media has inundated the television and computer screens of American voters with endless accusations of Russian meddling in US electoral politics. Democrats have conveniently chosen to deflect attention away from their own criminality – the Wikileaks release of official Democratic Party communications revealed collusion against Bernie Sanders, among myriad other crimes and unethical …

ZERO HEDGE – “Show Hillary Love” Rothschilds Urge As She Charges $2,700 Per Question

Yesterday we pointed out something troubling: while Hillary Clinton has now gone 274 days without giving a press conference (even as her campaign spokesman Brian Fallon eagerly vowed that “if elected Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences”) she has been all too eager to answer questions from donors at exclusive (and expensive) fundraisers. Like, for example, the one that took place …

NORMAN POLLACK – Hillary Clinton is Shameless

Never has a candidate for President been so solicitous—and transparent about it—of major wealth, what the New York Times (stepping out of character) admits is her appeal to the Ultrarich. In Chozick and Martin’s, “Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich,” Sept. 3, we find the most lopsided appeal to wealth—at the expense of normal campaigning—in US electoral history: …

Leid Stories—More Probes, More Evidence of Wrongdoing, But the Clintons’ Eyes Are On the White House—09.06.16

Sixty-two days before the general election and Hillary Clinton seems convinced that her only problem is beating Donald Trump to the presidency and claiming her “rightful” place in history. Yet she’s at the very center of a political and legal maelstrom that not only has signaled very rough road ahead for her, but in the home stretch has begun to unleash its ambition-blocking power.

The Gary Null Show – 09.06.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, In the second half of the program Gary gives a extensive time to talk about what he thinks is important and that’s the people shouldn’t accept a two party system, Gary gives his own in depth analysis on this. Gary also covers the topic of the health of Hilary Clinton and what everyone should know. While giving his own commentary, Gary also gives one from Professor Henry Giroux.

Daniel Lazare – Hillary Clinton’s ‘Exceptionalist’ Warpath

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most right-wing presidential candidate of all? The answer used to be Donald Trump, famous for his naked bigotry toward Mexicans and Muslims. But that was before Hillary Clinton supporters took a page from the old Joe McCarthy handbook and began denouncing their Republican opponent as “an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation” or arguing …

WikiLeaks Founder Just Revealed Why Sanders Really Dropped Out

Wikileaks founder and editor Julian Assange has clear disdain for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and the system that got her the nomination. Last month he released emails, just prior to the Democratic National Convention, that showed that the Democratic National Committee had worked against Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in favor of a Clinton nomination. The revelation caused outcry among Sanders’ …

The Gary Null Show – 09.05.16

Today on a special Labor Day edition of The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, In the second half of the program Gary plays a long audio clip on Clinton Corruption Proven – Marc Rich, Denise Rich and the Clinton Foundation. The first half is about Marc Rich, Denise Rich and the “most flagrant abuse of a Presidential pardon in United States history.” The second half is about the corruption the Clintons maintain through the Clinton Foundation.

The Gary Null Show – 09.02.16

Today on The Gary Null, Gary opens up with some deep thinking commentaries. In the second half of the program Gary talks with guest Dr. Scott Bennett. Dr. Scott Bennett is a US Army Special Operations Officer who specialized in global psychological operations and warfare, and performing analysis to track financial funding of terrorist organizations. He was also a counter-terrorism analyst for one of the nation’s largest defense contractors Booz Allen Hamilton – the same firm Edward Snowden worked at when he released the troves of documents to Glen Greenwald at the Guardian. Dr. Benett has worked at the highest levels of government – US Special Ops Command, US Central Command, the State Department coordinator for counterterrorism and other federal agencies. From 2003 to 2008 he served in the Bush administration and before that was a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. He holds a PhD in Political Theory from Catholic University and has written an important book of his experiences and investigations – “Shell Game: A Military Whistleblowing Report About the Betrayal and Coverup by the US Government of the Union Bank of Switzerlan Terrorist Finance Connection to Edward Snowden’s Leaks about Booz Allen Hamilton and US Central Command” His website is ArmyPsyOp.wix.com/scottbennett where you can find further information, publications, and videos and presentations.