Elizabeth Schulte – She’ll keep America not so great for workers

HILLARY CLINTON is having a lot of fun taking shots at Donald Trump’s economic plan to make America “great” again. She calls it an extreme version of the Republicans’ failed theory of trickle-down economics [1]. The Trump plan would, of course, be a disaster for working people–and another windfall for the rich, with its proposals for eliminating the estate tax and opening …

Geroge Lakoff – Understanding Trump’s Use of Language

Responsible reporters in the media normally transcribe political speeches so that they can accurately report them.  But Donald Trump’s discourse style has stumped a number of reporters. Dan Libit, CNBC’s excellent analyst is one of them. Libit writes: His unscripted speaking style, with its spasmodic, self-interrupting sentence structure, has increasingly come to overwhelm the human brains and tape recorders attempting …

James W Carden – A Clinton Family Value: ‘Humanitarian’ War

The current debate over the future of U.S. foreign policy is largely over whether the U.S. should continue its self-anointed role as the policeman of the world, or whether it might be wise for the next administration to put, in the words of Donald J. Trump, “America First.” On the other hand, Hillary Clinton has repeatedly called for a more …

Deirdre Fulton – Arms Industry Donating to Hawkish Clinton Over Incoherent Trump

Employees of 25 of the nation’s largest defense companies—such as Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Raytheon—are choosing to fill the coffers of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton over those of her rival, GOP nominee Donald Trump. That’s according to a new analysis by Politico, published Wednesday and based on federal campaign finance filings. Indeed, Politico found that Clinton—whose hawkish tendencies have been front-and-center during the 2016 campaign—is leading Trump “by …

Greg Palast – The GOP’s Stealth War Against Voters

When Donald Trump claimed, “the election’s going to be rigged,” he wasn’t entirely wrong. But the threat was not, as Trump warned, from Americans committing the crime of “voting many, many times.” What’s far more likely to undermine democracy in November is the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The …

Andrea Germanos – Stiglitz Blasts ‘Outrageous’ TPP as Obama Campaigns for Corporate-Friendly Deal

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz has reiterated his opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), saying on Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s push to get the trade deal passed during the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress is “outrageous” and “absolutely wrong.” Stiglitz, an economics professor at Columbia University and chief economist of the Roosevelt Institute, made the comments on CNN‘s …

Infectious Myth – Is the United States a Democracy – 08.23.16

David examines the problematic characteristics of the United States unique electoral system. Some of these include the embedded two party system, where third parties are allowed, but can never achieve power, and the lack of true federal elections, with most rules about the elections controlled by states or counties. The US constitution appears to act as a barrier to real and rapid reform.

Black Agenda Radio – 08.22.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Ajamu Baraka talks about the Clinton campaign’s dirty politics and lies against the Greens; the Black Is Back Coalition gathers in Philadelphia for a conference on Self-Determination; and, a courtroom victory in defense of public education in Detroit.

DAVID DALEY – The Real Way the 2016 Election Is Rigged

Hillary Clinton has put the Electoral College into checkmate. She’s closer to Donald Trump in many red states like Kansas and Texas than he is to her in key swing states. As her lead swells, naturally, fired-up Democrats and a restless media have turned their attention to a more exciting story: Can Democrats retake the House of Representatives? But the …

Leid Stories—Whistleblower Answers Listeners’ Questions About the Clinton Foundation—08.19.16

Charles Ortel wraps up his exclusive, weeklong special reports on The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation with a Q&A session.
Ortel (charlesortel.com), a former Wall Street banker and investor, gained international attention when he independently proved that General Electric and, later, insurance giant AIG were engaging in fraud.
Ortel since February last year has been doing his own investigation of the Clinton foundation. He told Leid Stories he has found overwhelming evidence of “massive” charities fraud.