Leid Stories—Twisted Philanthropy: How the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation Made Billions Mining the World’s Misery Index—08.18.16

Since May, Ortel has been spelling out in great detail how a project chartered initially to build a presidential library and research facility in Arkansas, President Clinton’s home state, illegally was morphed into a global pseudo-philanthropic conglomerate that raked in billions of dollars, ostensibly to support the foundation’s “charity” work. But Ortel says the evidence clearly shows the foundation was operating almost all of its projects illegally, and many major “donations” it received were from foreign governments and well-placed corporations seeking political favors from the Clintons.

Robert Parry – America’s Journalistic Hypocrites

Over the past few decades, the U.S. mainstream media has failed the American people in a historic fashion by spinning false or misleading narratives on virtually every important global issue, continuing to this day to guide the nation into destructive and unnecessary conflicts. To me, a major turning point came with the failure of the major news organizations to get …

Trends This Week – The Global Market Spikes And What’s Next? – 08.17.16

Global equity markets are spiking. Records are being broken. Why? Is it strong Gross Domestic Product increases among the world’s leading economies… the United States, China, Japan and eurozone nations that are driving the frenzy? Gerald Celente provides the fact-based context behind these economic trend lines. He also shares some thoughts on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s stumbling campaign and how the media treat him vs. Hillary Clinton, especially CNN, the Clinton News Network.

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation’s Billion-Dollar HIV/AIDS Boondoggle—08.17.16

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor who exposed General Electric’s massive fraud in 2007-2008 by proving that it had overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars, for several months has been deconstructing the highly irregular inner workings of the Clinton Foundation and related entities operating “charitable” programs all over the world.

The Gary Null Show – 08.17.16

Today The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with a in depth look at the latest news in health and the environment covering topics like “You Are What You Eat”. Gary Ends the show with a commentary from Professor Henry Giroux, In the second half of the program Gary talks with Alexander (Alex) Zaitchik. Alex  is a freelance journalist and …

David Korten – How to Break the Power of Money

Our current political chaos has a simple explanation. The economic system is driving environmental collapse, economic desperation, political corruption, and financial instability. And it isn’t working for the vast majority of people. It serves mainly the interests of a financial oligarchy that in the United States dominates the establishment wings of both the Republican and Democratic parties. So voters are …

ELLIOT SPERBER – Melting Ice Sheets Flood Louisiana

It wasn’t very long ago that people would talk about the weather in order to avoid discussing contentious topics like politics and religion. But, like the Black Rhino, those days are long gone. Daily dumping and pumping tons of pollutants into the world, our political economy is now known to significantly influence meteorological phenomena; and the once anodyne subject of the …

Leid Stories—Republicans Zero In On Hillary, Bill and the Clinton Foundation; Haiti Was/Is Foundation’s Prized ‘Possession’—08.16.16

Following yesterday’s discussion, Charles Ortel returns with more on the Clinton Foundation:

House and Senate Republicans, convinced that the Obama administration is blocking their efforts to probe and expose serious ethical and criminal violations allegedly committed by Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, have intensified their campaign. The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and several of its affiliated organizations once again are at the center of the legislators’ focus as they look into how the Clintons funneled through them hundreds of millions of dollars in “charitable donations” that appear to be linked to political favors for the donors.