DAVID ROSEN – The Crack Up: Is the Two-Party System Splintering?

The 2016 presidential election has been a roller-coaster ride with the last two establishment-party candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, shoving and pushing, snapping, slapping and snarling their way to the finish line.  How the November election turns out is an open question. One good thing that might come out of the fractious primaries, conventions and final election is that …

KATHLEEN GEIER – If Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are “Progressive,” Then the Word Has Lost All Meaning

What’s a progressive, anyway? The term has a long and unruly history, which I’ll be getting to. But the common-sense meaning of “progressive” is someone who is pretty darn liberal. In fact, you might even say that it signifies politics that are distinctly to the left of liberal. That, at least, has been the contemporary connotation of the word for …

Patrick Martin – Tax return places Clintons in the top 0.02 percent of Americans

Bill and Hillary Clinton made $10.6 million in income in 2015, according to tax returns released by the Democratic presidential campaign Friday. This placed the Clintons in the top 0.02 percent of US families. Fewer than 30,000 US families made as much as the Clintons last year, a further demonstration of how far the former “first family” has advanced since …

Meria Heller – Roaring Truth – 08.14.16

Roaring Truth with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Election nightmare 2016;Hillary’s health -is it Parkinsons? Her handler;Tim Kaine;Mike Pence;TPP-NAFTA on steroids;Supreme court replacement? abortion/LGBT rights and Pence;Bernie & Jill Stein;kids aren’t stupid;Pokeman;2 party system? Khan family;Dylann Roof;John Hinckley released;JFK-MLK-RFK conspiracies;Supreme Court stole your vote in 2000 by giving it to Bush; don’t bother fighting with family and friends – your vote doesn’t count…let us count the ways.

James W Carden – Bill Clinton got millions from world’s biggest Sharia Law education firm

Former President Bill Clinton collected $5.6 million in fees from GEMS Education, a Dubai-based company that teaches Sharia Law through its network of more than 100 schools in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The company’s finances strictly adhere to “Sharia Finance,” which includes giving “zakat,” a religious tax of which one-eighth …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 08.11.16

The Republican, the Democrat and the Green. Bob heads the “Federal Elections Commission” for the Green Party and spoke at all three conventions on the need to prevent our elections from once again being stolen. As co-author of seven books on election theft, Bob makes it clear that Bernie Sanders was the rightful winner of the Democratic nomination.  Co-author (with …

Paul R. Pillar – The Fragility of American Democracy

Efforts to export American-style liberal democracy to foreign lands have bumped up against the fact that the successful working of such democracy depends on habits and attitudes that are rarer than most Americans think and that take a long time to develop. That is a reality encountered in places such as Iraq. The relevant attitudes are not only hard to …

Amie Parnes – Clinton Republicans a 2016 trend

Meet the Clinton Republicans.  Just as Reagan Democrats emerged three decades ago to catapult Ronald Reagan to the White House, a crop of unexpected cross-party supporters has surfaced during this election cycle. The steady trickle of Republicans coming out for Clinton have boosted her campaign and drawn attention to a divided GOP. “Remember that term ‘Reagan Democrat?’” Adam Parkhomenko, the founder of the …

Sophia A. McClennen – We Don’t Just Need to See Trump’s Taxes—We Need a Real Medical Report on Him

In the latest twist on the weirdest campaign ever, Donald Trump seems to have encouraged supporters to kill Hillary Clinton.  Trump said, [3] “By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although, the Second Amendment people maybe there is. I don’t know.”  Of course in the immediate aftermath of the loony homicidal comment, the Trump campaign …