Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Election Fraud and America’s Horror Story: How the Democrats Found a Boogeyman in Hillary’s Emails

Bernie Sanders won the presidential nomination, but he was cheated out of it by the Democratic National Committee which is the operating body for the Democratic Party.  They helped Hillary win the nomination by combining vote miscounts and appointing super delegates whom no one elected to vote for Hillary. So, she won this nomination illegitimately. All of Bernie Sanders’ supporters …

Trevor Timm – The US is bombing Libya again. It’s a too-familiar vicious cycle

Just five years after bombing Libya to dispose of Muammar Gaddafi, the US is now officially bombing the country again, this time against alleged Isis terrorist strongholds that cropped up in the power vacuum created by the last bombing. It’s yet another episode of the War on Terror Circle of Life, where the US bombs a country and then funnels weapons into …

NORMAN POLLACK – America and the Trump Conundrum

Trump is patently semi-fascist. His devouring ethnocentrism (American Greatness) and xenophobia (Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Muslim) confirms a structural-ideological process at work of social Nazification underpinned by his dedication to wealth and amorphous quest for power. In this respect he is the easy target of liberals and progressives, both Democrats as a whole and a moderate segment of Republicans, as well as the …

Janet Allon – 10 Political and Psychological Observers Who Think Trump May Have Gone Off the Deep End

Donald Trump has triggered more than one anxiety attack in the American electorate, and new speculation about his mental stability is not likely to help. But at the risk of stoking more sleepless nights, an increasing number of politicians, psychologists and political observers are questioning not just the mental fitness of Republican presidential nominee, but his mental health. Trump has …

Inder Comar – California Civil Law Suit against George W. Bush Et Al: DOJ Blocks Submission of Chilcot Report

It is important that those committed to peace and social justice take cognizance of this historic civil law suit directed against a former president of the United States including senior officials of his administration.   An Iraqi mother against alleged war criminal George W. Bush, et al. This is a civil suit. It seeks compensation. While it  does not contemplate a …

GERALD SUSSMAN – American Elections: Weapons of Mass Distraction

Now that the agitprop babble of the conventions is behind us, we might ask, what is all this showman/woman/ship all about? Does the election of the president even matter? On some level perhaps, but the main utility of presidential elections is simply that it’s a weapon of mass distraction – creating a fiction that presidents actually rule and that voters …

Leid Stories—Debating Bernie Sanders, the ‘Revolution’ and the Democratic Party—08.02.16

Leid Stories holds an open forum/debate on yesterday’s discussion, focusing on the impact of Bernie Sanders’ recently declared allegiance to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party on his “revolution” and on progressive politics.

Nick Turse – Breaking the Camouflage Wall of Silence

It’s rare to hear one top military commander publicly badmouth another, call attention to his faults, or simply point out his shortcomings. Despite a seemingly endless supply of debacles from strategic setbacks to quagmire conflicts since 9/11, the top brass rarely criticize each other or, even in retirement, utter a word about the failings of their predecessors or successors.  Think …