Ron Fournier – Why Can’t Hillary Clinton Stop Lying?

This is a note to Clinton Democrats—a desperate plea, actually. Your candidate staged a winning convention in Philadelphia: big stars, tight messaging, and a compelling case against her rival, Donald Trump. The Republican nominee followed up by smearing a war hero’s family, revealing his ignorance about Russia’s incursions into Ukraine, denying a relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin that he had previously claimed, and failing to quell suspicions …


Anti-Russian hysteria in America reached its apogee this week as Democrats tried to divert attention from embarrassing revelations about how the Democratic Party apparatus had rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders by claiming Vlad Putin and his KGB had hacked and exposed the Dem’s emails. This was rich coming from the US that snoops into everyone’s emails and phones across …


The Democratic Party that once was concerned with workers’ rights, the elderly, civil rights, and the constitutional protections of America liberty no longer exists. As the just completed Democratic presidential primaries and the Democratic presidential convention have clearly demonstrated, the United States now has two Republican parties in service to the One Percent. The organized Democrats–the Democratic National Committee–have shown …

Timothy Scott – Hillary Clinton’s Record: An American Horror Story

This essay documents Hillary Clinton’s history and record as an agent of Wall Street, war, racial violence and inequity, economic inequality and conservative ideology. While Clinton’s early Republican Party history is well documented, it is unfair to judge her (or anyone) based on the political views of her youth. Like Clinton, all people are heavily influenced by the beliefs and …

Meditations and Molotovs – 08.01.16

On today’s program, Vince discusses the Khan family (recently made famous during their performance at the DNC in Philadelphia), Identity Politics (particularly Muslim-Americans and Veterans) within the context of the War on Terror, Jill Stein and the Green Party that doesn’t exist, lead poisoning in East Chicago, uprisings in Naples, Italy, and world’s disappearing water aquifers.

Pam Martens and Russ Martens – Wikileaks Emails Bring New Attention to Hillary Victory Fund “Money Laundering” Charges

The problem with conspiracy theorists is that, quite frequently, the theorists lack adequate imagination. That seems to be the case when it comes to the Democratic National Committee’s behind-the-scenes machinations to muscle Hillary Clinton into the White House while plotting against her main challenger, Bernie Sanders. That conclusion stems from the trove of 20,000 DNC emailsdumped into the public sphere by Wikileaks last …

Gareth Porter – Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks

As Hillary Clinton begins her final charge for the White House, her advisers are already recommending air strikes and other new military measures against the Assad regime in Syria. The clear signals of Clinton’s readiness to go to war appears to be aimed at influencing the course of the war in Syria as well as U.S. policy over the remaining …