Ralph Nader – Hillary’s Convention Con

The 2016 Democratic Convention in Philadelphia was a multi-layered, raucous display of political theater. A host of delegates loyal to Senator Bernie Sanders were inside in large numbers exclaiming “No more war” during former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s speech and raising all kinds of progressive, rebellious signs and banners against the Hillary crowd. Although Hillary addressed them directly in …

Michael Hudson – Obama Said Hillary Will Continue his Legacy – and Indeed She Will!

Leading up to Monday’s Democratic Party convention, Hillary chose Blue Dog Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her VP. This was followed by the Wikileaks release of Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mail files showing it acting as the Clinton Campaign Committee even to the point of using the same lawyers as her own campaign to oppose Bernie Sanders. The response …

Radhika Desai – Brexit Earthquake Has Many Ruptures

The Brexit vote was a momentous political earthquake and the seismic shifts that caused it have been long in the making. It has ruptured so many political structures — decades and even centuries old, national and international — so deeply it could be decades before its damage can be fully reckoned. The damage reveals the fragility of Britain’s, and the …

Ben Kamisar – Third-party support surging

Voters now confronted with the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are making something abundantly clear: they want another option. Surveys over the last six weeks have found a steady but noticeable jump in support for third-party candidates. The biggest beneficiary has been Libertarian Gary Johnson, who has shot up from 4.5 percent to 7.2 percent in RealClearPolitics polling averages. Green Party candidate Jill …

Leid Stories—Obama Seals the Deal and the Show Goes On–07.28.16

President Barack Obama boosted Hillary Clinton’s—and his own—political fortunes last night with a keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention that effusively praised both the leadership credentials and accomplishments of his scandal-plagued former secretary of state and the fervor with which Americans validated and clung to his “audacity of hope” throughout his tumultuous two terms in office. He was a …

Leid Stories—Gone Fishing in Philly: Bernie Tries to Reel ’Em In–07.26.16

And now there’s no further need to ask, “What Would Bernie Do?” In the heat of the day in Philly, Bernie Sanders went fishing. For votes. For Hillary.

Sanders’ prime-time speech at the Democratic National Convention was a repeat of the message he’d delivered earlier in the afternoon to his crestfallen delegates, who were clinging to the hope that the “revolution” they’d started together would not go down in flames, let alone with their leader as arsonist.

Leid Stories discusses Sanders’ retooled vision for the “revolution” and what we can learn from it.

Leid Stories—Hillary Makes History with Democratic Party Nomination, and Possibly with Federal Probe of Massive Fraud by Clinton Foundation–07.27.16

Hillary Clinton made history last night. With an official vote by Democratic Party delegates and superdelegates, she won the nomination as the party’s standard bearer for president in November’s general election, the first woman to head a major party ticket. But news of a different, though familiar, kind this morning, as Clinton finds herself at the center of yet another …

Focus on the Facts – 07.25.16

The first guest today was Jason Leopold, an investigative reporter who has covered Guantanamo Bay, national security, human rights, open government, and civil liberties. He is called a “FOIA Terrorist” by federal employees for his aggressive use of the Freedom of Information Act. In the latest response to a FOIA request, the US State Department revealed that Hillary Clinton exchanged nearly two-dozen top secret emails from her unsecured, private server with three senior aides while she was Secretary of State. The second guest was David Shurter, a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor who was tortured in the MK Ultra program until the age of 10. David became involved with the key players in the Franklin Credit Union Scandal in Omaha in the 1980s because the players were his parent’s friends. The scandal involved a network of pedophile rings in Nebraska and Washington DC, that traded young children to politicians and other wealthy people in the US for sexual abuse, human trafficking, drug trafficking and blackmail.