Faced with Trump and Clinton, Americans yearn for third choice: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Americans’ demand for an alternative to the two main presidential candidates has surged since the last election, a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll shows, underscoring the unpopularity of Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton. Based on 2,153 interviews, Friday’s poll results suggest a strong potential for a third-party candidate – like Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party or Jill Stein of …

Thomas Palley – Betrayed Again, This Time By Unconvincing Arguments For The TPP

Voters of all stripes have recognized the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as another betrayal of working people, and they have resoundingly rejected it. Despite that, President Obama continues to push it, to the extent of possibly seeking passage in a “lame duck” session of Congress. President Obama’s pushing of the TPP is recklessly irresponsible politics that benefits Donald Trump, who is …

Margaret Kimberley – Republicans Reject Trump and Join Hillary

For all intents and purposes, the establishment GOP has dumped Donald Trump and joined Hillary Clinton’s corporate presidential campaign. Trump “shows all the signs of being headed for defeat,” but the Democrats hope to pile up huge majorities by pretending that he’s a threat. Anti-Trump hysteria gives Bernie Sanders cover to “sheep dog” his supporters to Clinton. The only sane …

Eric Draitser – Whitewashing Libya: House Report on Benghazi Reveals Nothing, Hides Everything

The Republican dominated House Select Committee on Benghazi has released its long awaited final report on the 2012 Benghazi attack which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others. And, surprise, the report reveals absolutely nothing of substance that wasn’t already known. Naturally, Democrats running interference for Hillary Clinton have continually charged that the probe was simply an act of partisan politics designed …

William K. Black – Obsessing About The “Thin Blue Lines” While Elite White-Collar Crime Runs Rampant

The New York Times published a book review entitled “Thin Blue Lines.”  The two books reviewed were about street crimes.  Based solely on reading the NYT book review, and wearing my criminology hat, neither book adds materially to the useful literature.  The two books, and the book review, however, share a common characteristic that is worth analysis.  All three conflate “street crime” with “crime” and “police” …

Leid Stories – For the Clintons, Education Pays, And Pays, And Pays – 07.07.16

Within minutes of FBI Director James Comey’s announcement yesterday that the agency’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s email/private server/classified information debacle found no evidence of criminal conduct, the presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee was back on campaign schedule, keynoting a National Education Association event in Washington, D.C., touting her pro-education policies and tearing into Donald Trump’s education agenda.

Trump University, the real estate mogul’s unaccredited, lawsuit-plagued for-profit education company that went belly up in 2010 after five years, came in for blistering attack by Clinton as a harbinger of what a Trump presidency would mean for education: the ultraprivatization of education, the end of “education as we know it.”

Clinton and her husband Bill have traveled this path and have made millions of dollars from it, says our guest, journalist and author Dady Chery, who has chronicled the Clintons’ sordid history of plunder in Haiti. She adds yet another chapter to the Leid Stories series on the Clinton Foundation and its interconnected global subsidiaries that Charles Ortel, the whistleblower who brought down GE in 2007-2008 over the overvaluation of its stock, maintains are engaged in “massive fraud.”

Chery explains the Clintons’ role in one of the biggest scams in higher education—a Wall Street-backed company called Laureate Education.

Robert Parry – Hillary Clinton as Damaged Goods

Compared to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton presents herself as the well-qualified steady hand to manage U.S. foreign policy over the next four years, yet she has associated herself with a series of failed strategies and now faces an FBI judgment that she was “extremely careless” in protecting national security secrets. A partial list of her dubious and dangerous judgments include …

DAVE LINDORFF – Clinton’s Web of Deceit: She Lied and Lied Again

Hillary Clinton may or may not be a crook. That remains to be proven, though the sheer magnitude of the wealth that she and husband Bill have amassed since leaving the White House, and while she was serving as Secretary of State — nearly a quarter of a billion dollars earned by two people with no known skills capable of …

Leid Stories – Decoding The – 07.06.16

FBI Director James Comey did his best yesterday to convince the nation that the agency’s probe of Hillary Clinton’s e-mail debacle was thorough, transparent and completely free of political interference and contamination. We can all rest assured that the matter has been looked into exhaustively, everyone potentially in the prosecutorial cross hairs was completely open and cooperative, and as director of the agency he couldn’t be more proud of the job of the way the investigation was handled and, more importantly, brought to a close.

Clinton got a few slaps on the wrist from Comey for mishandling classified information and for inspiring similar recklessness by staff and, generally, throughout the State Department (when she was secretary of state). But there was no evidence of criminal conduct, and no “reasonable” prosecutor would seek indictments, Comey said.

The FBI director might have been hoping to put the whole sordid matter to rest with his explanatory news conference yesterday—just as President Barack Obama and the presumptive nominee were making their first campaign appearance together in Charlotte, N.C. Instead, Comey unleashed a firestorm, directly contradicting several claims Clinton previously had made about her private server and emails.

Click on this to watch FBI director James Comey press conference.

Leid Stories discusses Comey’s statements yesterday, and how and why President Obama, his administration and the Democratic Party are all shielding Hillary Clinton.