Thomas Frank – The Life of the Parties

Although it’s difficult to remember those days eight years ago when Democrats seemed to represent something idealistic and hopeful and brave, let’s take a moment and try to recall the stand Barack Obama once took against lobbyists. Those were the days when the nation was learning that George W. Bush’s Washington was, essentially, just a big playground for those lobbyists …

Sarah Lazare & Adam Johnson – The NY State Senate Just Passed a Bill That Reads Like a Parody of Reactionary Terror Laws

It has been two weeks since 49 people were murdered at the Orlando LGBTQ Pulse club’s Latin night, and lawmakers at the state and federal level have already seized on public fear of “terrorists” to advance a spate [4] of reactionary bills that expand police powers and erode civil rights. Perhaps the most draconian of them all is the proposed New York State Terrorist …

7 Out of 10 Americans Agree That Economy is Rigged Against Them

A new Marketplace-Edison Research poll published Tuesday found that a full 71 percent of respondents agree that the economy is rigged, affirming the popular rhetoric of the current presidential campaign season. The majority opinion held firm across ethnicity, class, age, and gender differences. A whopping 83 percent of African Americans polled agreed that the economy is rigged, and 80 percent of people …

Gareth Porter – The Syria ‘dissent’ memo and US bureaucratic support for Kerry war strategy

The memorandum by 51 State Department officials calling for US military intervention in Syria last week has been treated in news media coverage as a case of dissent from existing Syria policy by individual officials involved in Syria policy. But the memo has all the earmarks of an initiative that had the blessing of the most senior officials in the department – …

DAVE LINDORFF – What is Bernie Up To?

I sure don’t know, and I’m sure that Hillary Clinton and her campaign managers are wondering too. In today’s New York Times, the independent socialist Senator from Vermont published a hard-hitting opinion-page piece attacking presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, but really targeting Democratic Party leaders, super delegates, and the Democrats’ presumptive nominee Clinton — though he carefully avoided naming her. Significantly, Sanders, …

Ellen Brown – As the War on Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be the Big Winner?

The war on cannabis that began in the 1930s seems to be coming to an end. Research shows that this natural plant, rather than posing a deadly danger to health, has a wide range of therapeutic benefits. But skeptics question the sudden push for legalization, which is largely funded by wealthy investors linked to Big Ag and Big Pharma.  In …

Leid Stories – Taking Stock of the Political Landscape, Which Way Forward? – 06.28.16

The duopoly’s national conventions are just weeks away—the Republicans meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, July 18-21; the Democrats, in Philadelphia, Pa., July 25-28. Political and party fireworks leading up to the nominating conventions are likely not to change the predetermined outcomes: Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee; Hillary Clinton, the Democratic candidate, in the general election.

Hence, our discussion today: Which way forward for those who find both candidates, and the parties and process that have produced them, detestable?

Odysseas Papadimitriou – Why Income Inequality Will Get Worse Before It Gets Better

We’ve all heard about rising income inequality, and for good reason: It’s a huge problem. Just consider the fact that the wealthiest 1% of Americans accounted for roughly 21.2% of all earnings in 2012, compared to just 8.9% in 1973, according to UC Berkeley’s Center for Equitable Growth. But far less obvious is the eventuality that things will get much …

Leid Stories – ‘Independent’ Sanders Feels the Clinton-Democratic Party Burn – 06.27.16

He continues to make speeches and statements attesting the viability of the “political revolution” he ignited with his presidential bid and vows to bring it to fruition at next month’s nominating convention in Philadelphia (and beyond?), but the Independent senator from Vermont is feeling the Clinton/Democratic Party burn. Big time.

He’s already announced he’ll “vote for Hillary” in November in the interest of “party unity,” but Sanders still has not definitively declared what he will do with the 13-million-plus votes he won—except that “the people” should take things from here.

Leid Stories pointed out early the troubling similarities between Sanders’ and other “progressive” Democrats’ false-flag presidential campaigns that looked and sounded like popular movements but served only to bolster the political fortunes of Democratic Party’s power elite.

Nearly Half of Sanders Supporters Won’t Support Clinton

In the two weeks since Hillary Clinton wrapped up the Democratic presidential primary, runner-up Bernie Sanders has promised to work hard to defeat Donald Trump — but he’s given no sign he’ll soon embrace Clinton, his party’s presumptive nominee. Neither have many of Sanders’s supporters. A June 14th Bloomberg Politics national poll of likely voters in November’s election found that barely half …