Meria Heller Show – Blood & Guts – 06.26.16

Blood & Guts with Meria Heller and Jack Blood.

On today’s show they discuss:

The Supreme Court’s latest attack on our 4th Amendment rights

Two sets of laws in this country

Payoffs-extortions by “law”

Decentralize and repeal

The “election” game changer worldwide

Hillary chosen years ago, stolen elections

Global Corp and their end game

The Orlando shooting and foreknowledge

The Paris shooting

Why clubs for the young?

Omar Mateen’s connections to the FBI and mercenary group

FBI stings – World Trade Center 1993

False flag/staged event

Prior knowledge, stand down, cover up, who benefits?

The other attacker from Virginia and the CI

Weather warfare? “Owning the Weather”

Venezuela and South America

BRAD REED – Republican civil war officially declared: GOP delegates openly plot to overthrow Trump at convention

With Donald Trump’s poll numbers sinking into a death spiral, dozens of Republican delegates are now openly plotting a coup to overthrow him at this year’s Republican National Convention. The Washington Post has scored an interview with GOP delegates who are leading the effort to allow delegates to vote their consciences at this year’s RNC so they can choose someone other than Trump. The …

GARY LEUPP – On “Islamic” and “Islamist Terrorism”

Donald Trump declares that the Orlando nightclub massacre shows that he “was right on Islamic terrorism” all along, once again chiding Obama for avoiding that label. Hillary Clinton for the first time uses a similar term in an interview with Savannah Guthrie on NBC New’s Today Show. She says, “To me, radical jihadism, radical Islamism, I think they mean the …

ALAN NASSER – Hillary’s Agenda Here and Abroad Intertwined: “Full Spectrum Dominance” Around the Globe, A Swelling Precariat at Home

Harry Truman surprised Americans with his call for European-style government guaranteed health care for all, Johnson with the extent of the Great Society reforms, and even Nixon with the avalanche of regulatory legislation and social spending he approved, outperforming Johnson on a number of “Keynesian” fronts. Hillary Clinton will offer no such surprises. Her consistent record in the context of …

ANDREW LEVINE – Bernie’s Tragic Flaw: Too Soft on Clinton

From Day One, Bernie Sanders said that he would support the eventual Democratic nominee – Hillary Clinton. It looks like he will make good on his word. The near certainty that he would jump on the Hillary bandwagon eventually has always been one of the best arguments for being wary of his campaign. But while there was still a hope …

Black Agenda Radio – 6.20.16

This is Black Agenda Radio, the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. Your hosts are Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey, here they are with a weekly hour of African American political thought and action.

– The People’s Organization for Progress, POP, does not hesitate to demonstrate, whether it’s marking the anniversary of the 1967 rebellion in Newark, New Jersey, or protesting President Obama’s attempt to cut Social Security. Recently, POP hit the streets to protest New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive order that sets up a blacklist of companies that have agreed to Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel. Larry Hamm is chairman of POP. He’s also a Bernie Sanders delegate to the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

– The City of Philadelphia is welcoming the Democrats to town, but the welcome mat does not extend to protest marchers. Cheri Honkala is a longtime poor people’s activist, based in Philadelphia.

– The Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, ran the Caribbean country of Haiti with an iron fist when she was Secretary of State. Clinton helped to engineer the rise to the presidency of Michel “Sweet Mickey” Martelly, who was finally forced out of power by popular demand, this year. Nikolas Barry-Shaw, a Voting Rights Associate with the Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, says Clinton’s record in Haiti is an embarrassment to her campaign, which would prefer that Haiti not be in the news.

– Gunmen riddled the home of Haitian presidential candidate Dr. Maryse Narcisse, who represents Fanmi Lavalas, the political party of former President Jean Bertrand Aristide, who was overthrown by a U.S.-backed coup in 2004. Aristides’ party has been banned from most elections since then. We spoke with Pierre Labossier, of the Haiti Action Committee. He says the U.S. State Department fought tooth and nail to try to force the Haitian people to accept the results of last year’s rigged elections.

– New federal rules would make it harder for people to get payday loans at usurious interest rates. Matt Stannard is Policy Director of Commonomics USA. He’d like to get rid of payday loans altogether, and providing alternative financing to poor people.

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Poll: white men really, really don’t like Hillary Clinton

The new Washington Post/ABC poll released Wednesday has tons of dreadful news for Donald Trump, who is viewed unfavorably by 70 percent of its respondents. But it isn’t all rosy for Hillary Clinton either. First off, the poll shows that Clinton is viewed unfavorably by a remarkable 75 percent of white men and is only viewed favorably by 23 percent of that demographic. …

Ivan Eland – Who’s the Bigger Danger — Clinton or Trump?

The senseless murder of 49 revelers at an Orlando, Florida, nightclub has amplified our need for a long overdue national conversation this election season about the overall direction of U.S. foreign policy and our proper role in the world. With the party nominating conventions just weeks away, now is a good time to start. In what was billed as a …

Chris Hedges – Con vs. Con

During the presidential election cycle, liberals display their gutlessness. Liberal organizations, such as, become cloyingly subservient to the Democratic Party. Liberal media, epitomized by MSNBC, ruthlessly purge those who challenge the Democratic Party establishment. Liberal pundits, such as Paul Krugman, lambaste critics of the political theater, charging them with enabling the Republican nominee. Liberals chant, in a disregard for …

44 Percent of DEMOCRATS Want Sanders to Make an Independent Run for the White House

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, 44 percent of Democrats want Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders to make an independent run for the White House. By Darien Cavanaugh That bears repeating, that’s 44 percent of Democrats, not 44 percent of Sanders supporters. That number closely corresponds to the 43 percent of voters who have chosen Sanders over rival Hillary Clinton in the Democratic …