Leid Stories – Mass Murder, Mass Media and Race Politics (Part 3); D.C. Primary Proves A Major Point – 06.15.16

As more is learned about Omar Mateen, the alleged lone gunman responsible for the June 12 massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., and about other related developments, we see a shift in how the story is being reported and how officials are continuing to manage the mass killing as “an act of terrorism.” Leid Stories continues the discussion of the previous two days.
Yesterday’s Democratic primary in Washington, D.C., the last hurrah of the primary season, predictably handed an easy victory to Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders—78.7 percent of the vote and 16 additional delegates to supercharge her nomination. The D.C. primary, however, was not just a ceremonious end to the faceoffs between the two candidates, says Leid Stories; it pointedly brought home the necessity to part ways with the established political order and the failure of third parties and political movements to make inroads with constituencies that are looking for alternatives.

AMANDA MARCOTTE – Fear, racism, and hatred: Why the gun industry makes so much money off mass shootings

Even though the mass shooting in Orlando over the weekend is the largest in our nation’s history, the fallout is following a standard pattern, a narrative so well-worn that it’s impossible not to become numb to it: Liberals call for gun control, conservatives act like you are trying to take away their precious babies, nothing gets done, everyone eventually drifts …

NAOMI KLEIN – The best is yet to come

On the surface, the battle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders looks like a deep rift, one that threatens to splinter the Democratic Party. But viewed in the sweep of history, it is evidence of something far more positive for the party’s base and beyond: not a rift but a shift—the first tremors of a profound ideological realignment from which …

Ann Jones – The Tyranny of Trump

Last fall, when presidential wannabe Donald Trump famously boastedon CNN that he would “be the best thing that ever happened to women,” some may have fallen for it. Millions of women, however, reacted with laughter, irritation, disgust, and no little nausea.  For while the media generate a daily fog of Trumpisms, speculating upon the meaning and implications of the man’s every …

Edward Curtin – Allen Dulles’ “Indonesian Strategy” and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Would Allen Dulles have resorted to assassinating the President of the United States to ensure the achievement of  his ‘Indonesian strategy’? This is the central question addressed by Greg Poulgrain in his extraordinarily important book, The Incubus of Intervention: Conflicting Indonesian Strategies of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles. Two days before President John Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963, he had accepted …

Nature Bats Last – 06.14.16

We used several clips in support of this social-criticism show. We took a few calls and wrapped with a climate-change update.

Here are the clip to watch after you listen to the show:

Bill Burr destroyed Steve Jobs

George Carlin “The American Dream”

Bill Hicks -Marketing & Advertising

Louis CK : Of Course But Maybe – Oh My God

Eddie Vedder – Society

‘Thought Leader’ gives talk that will inspire your thoughts | This is That | CBC

President Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for president | Hillary Clinton

Jake Johnson – Democrats Against Democracy, Self-Styled Progressives Against Progress

There are many important lessons to be gleaned from this year’s primary process, lessons that can have both positive and negative implications across the political spectrum — if, that is, they are taken to heart. They probably won’t be. But while much of the obsessive, gaffe-hungry media honed in on the circus that is the Republican Party, the Democratic Party will emerge from the …

Leid Stories – Mass Murder, Mass Media and Race Politics (Part 2) – 06.14.16

President Obama, expected to hit the campaign trail to support Hillary Clinton, instead will be in Orlando today, paying his respects to the victims of the June 12 mass shooting by a lone gunman at a gay club there. Fifty people—including the gunman, Omar Mateen, 29—died in the carnage, and 53 others were wounded, many of them sustaining multiple wounds.

Leid Stories continues yesterday’s discussion on the politicization of the tragedy.

The Gary Null Show – 06.14.16

On “The Gary Null Show today, Gary brought these topics to the show today

Naps can boost memory, study shows
Landmark study shows nature kills PTSD in combat veteran

Turmeric for cancer? Study says the spice shows promise

15 minutes daily exercise may be reasonable target in older adults

Gary takes a quick break and plays: Junior Walker & The Allstars – (I’m A) Roadrunner
Then Gary goes right into this great video with Russell Brand.

VIDEO: Russell Brand Barack Obama’s Legacy

Bernie is trying really hard to get Hillary to embrace his views

VIDEO: Urgent Message TO All British People

ANIS SHIVANI – This is our neoliberal nightmare: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and why the market and the wealthy win every time

Over the last fifteen years, editors often asked me not to mention the word “neoliberalism,” because I was told readers wouldn’t comprehend the “jargon.” This has begun to change recently, as the terminology has come into wider usage, though it remains shrouded in great mystery. People throw the term around loosely, as they do with “fascism,” with the same confounding …