Stephen Fox – In the California Primary, More Ballots Remain Uncounted than the Total Number of votes for Hillary Clinton!

I warned Californians that they would see their primary become as egregious as New York’s Primary! California’s Uncounted Ballots, from several different sages, pundits, pollworkers, and commenters in California compiled from extensive article by Michael Hertz in Los Angeles Progressive First this: from Larry Wines   Brace yourself. The actual numbers are shocking. More ballots remain uncounted than the total number of …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Primaries Deliver A Big Payday for Clinton, An Inevitable Payout for Sanders (Part 2) – 06.09.16

Leid Stories’ listeners chime in on yesterday’s topic, which predicted Sanders’ capitulation to Clinton and the Democratic Party in the name of “party unity,” and the almost certain death of the “progressive” movement he started.

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Primaries Deliver A Big Payday for Clinton, An Inevitable Payout for Sanders – 06.08.16

With wins yesterday in four of six states holding primaries—particularly in delegate-rich California and New Jersey—Hillary Clinton, who also carried New Mexico and South Dakota, had a big political payday. She zoomed past the 2,383 delegates needed to be the Democratic Party’s nominee in the general election (now having 2,184 pledged delegates and 571 superdelegates, against Sanders’ 1,804 and 48, respectively). The taste of victory—and history, as a major party’s first female presidential nominee—was sweet.

Which brings us, for the umpteenth time, back to Bernie and what, exactly, he plans to do with his votes and his anti-establishment movement.

Leid Stories discusses the inevitability of Sanders’ capitulation to Clinton and the Democratic Party in the name of “party unity,” and the almost certain death of the “progressive” movement he started.

Leid Stories – Election 2016: It’s Judgment Day, Kinda – 06.07.16

It’s a big day in presidential primaries—with contests in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota and South Dakota that will further enshrine Donald Trump as the Republican nominee and help Hillary Clinton finally to put Bernie Sanders out of her field of dreams. By the end of the day, the delegate count will “predict” the outcome of the parties’ nomination conventions next month (July 18-21 in Cleveland for the Republicans, and July 25-28 in Philadelphia for the Democrats).

Trump’s 1239 delegates (1,237 needed for nomination) and stunning, though controversial, victories that edged out 16 other candidates in primary contests have all but secured his position as standard bearer in the general election. But Clinton hasn’t been able to shake a persistent Sanders, despite delegate/superdelegate support (1,812/571, respectively) that yesterday brought her to the 2,383 threshold and the advantages of political longevity, big-money donors and a well-oiled campaign machine.

Leid Stories looks at where the 2016 political season stands right now and why, with today’s roster of primaries, it’s Judgment Day, kinda.

Sanders to Clinton: Yes, Trump’s Foreign Policy Ideas Are Scary. But So Are Yours

Bernie Sanders responded to Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy speech on Thursday with a hit at her credentials, including her involvement in the Iraq War and so-called “regime change” in Libya. “We need a foreign policy based on building coalitions and making certain that the brave American men and women in our military do not get bogged down in perpetual warfare in the …

DIANA JOHNSTONE – Hillary Comes Out as the War Party Candidate

Paris. On June 2, a few days before the California primary, Hillary Clinton gave up trying to compete with Bernie Sanders on domestic policy. Instead, she zeroed in on the soft target of Donald Trump’s most “bizarre rants” in order to present herself as experienced and reasonable. Evidently taking her Democratic Party nomination for granted, she is positioning herself as …

Phyllis Bennis – Hillary Clinton’s ‘Major Foreign Policy Address’ Was Anything But

In the last days before the California primary, where Democratic primary polls showed her neck-and-neck with Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton delivered a campaign speech in San Diego. Though her campaign billed it as a “major foreign policy address,” it looked more like a last-ditch attempt to position herself as the Democratic nominee ahead of a potentially embarrassing loss or close finish with …

Margaret Kimberley – Who’s the Fascist?

The U.S. public loves fascists; they elect them, constantly. Donald Trump, who “says he would raise the minimum wage and stop the endless efforts at regime change,” is called a fascist by some. But Hillary Clinton “is happy to bomb Libya or Syria or any other country,” and played a major role in mass Black incarceration. Barack Obama is the …

Chris Hedges – Shut Down the Democratic National Convention

On July 25, opening day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Cheri Honkala, leader of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, who was denied a permit to march by city authorities, will rally with thousands of protesters outside City Hall. Defying the police, they will march up Broad Street to the convention. We will recapture our democracy in the streets …

Steve Fraser – Bernie, The Donald, and the Sins of Liberalism

Arising from the shadows of the American repressed, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have been sending chills through the corridors of establishment power. Who would have thunk it? Two men, both outliers, though in starkly different ways, seem to be leading rebellions against the masters of our fate in both parties; this, after decades in which even imagining such a …